2014. június 20., péntek

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - June 20th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One is supposed to write in a sound voice in any Blog Post so that it can contain lots of information about the chosen subject... On the US High Speed Rail Association you can find lots of information at the following link: US High Speed Rail System I would like to collect the 12 words that best express my opinion about the nationwide plan of modernising the railway system...

a) I am amazed,
b) I am enthusiastic,
c) I am fascinated,
d) I am dazzled,
e) it is super,
f) it is of class,
g) it is hype,
h) it is cool,
i) I fully agree in,
j) the last wagon could be reserved for cargo,
k) I think it is o.k.,
l) I have got the new high speed railway system under my skin...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. június 12., csütörtök

Intelligent Weapon Systems By Leonardo Da Vinci

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Intelligent weapon systems have got the following tasks:

1) to understand the military situation and

2) to react on it...

I guess the ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci have been already realised...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. június 10., kedd

Leonardo Da Vinci Or The Forbidden Piece of Fruit - June 10th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have a pop song of Mr. Leonardo Da Vinci out of the year 1343... It was written in Hungarian and had the title "Viszlát, Béla" however according to the fashion of the time it was immediately translated in Italian, too... After a short while my relative, Leonardo Da Vinci was able to leave for France - he used to be a lucky person... I guess you can find many analyses of the poem in the web and it is forbidden because it is really something for warriors starting to the fight...

Una mattina mi son svegliato,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
e ho trovato l'invasor.
O partigiano, portami via,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
O partigiano, portami via,
ché mi sento di morir.
E se io muoio da partigiano,
(E se io muoio sulla montagna)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E se io muoio da partigiano,
(E se io muoio sulla montagna)
tu mi devi seppellir.
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
(E tu mi devi seppellire)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
(E tu mi devi seppellire)
sotto l'ombra di un bel fior.
Tutte le genti che passeranno,
(E tutti quelli che passeranno)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Tutte le genti che passeranno,
(E tutti quelli che passeranno)
Mi diranno «Che bel fior!»
(E poi diranno «Che bel fior!»)
«È questo il fiore del partigiano»,
(E questo è il fiore del partigiano)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
«È questo il fiore del partigiano,
(E questo è il fiore del partigiano)
morto per la libertà!»

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 12., hétfő

Carry On Mr. President!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

For those who don't agree with the last 2 points of my Durable Presidential Program there is legal redress which can relive menacing punishments...

For those who are fully disappointed by me there are my newest ideas for price formation... It is very important that I don't mean any new tax for my family and I don't mean any new charity either but I am thinking of a new way of price formation actually that was more humane than earlier solutions and that was able to have a long future, too (as all science-fiction movies except it)...

Expensive products should cost lots of money... There are people who succeed in earning much money during only a short period of time... Such people think it is intelligent to buy the most expensive products on the market in order to have security, freedom and happiness in their lives... All right! Rich people can make money out of socially acceptable sources, they enjoy collecting and spending money - while they give work to crowds in certain cases...

However cheap products should be available for free - there are 2 good explanations for this way of thinking... But if my companies give volume products for free then I won't be a billionaire which is a pity because I can only realise necessary infrastructural and industrial and agricultural developments if I have oceans of money...

What would make a sense? People who don't have anything (obviously because they cannot afford it as they don't get paid for what they are and what they work) could acquire everything for free what they don't have... A house, a car, an LCD-televison, a refrigerator, 2 weeks of staying at a hotel, a bunch or roses etc. This system would ensure that no one dies because he or she is too poor and thus it would also ensure that no human value goes to waste which is encoded in our various gens, which we learn during our school years or which we were able to make other people happy with... On the other hand it couldn't cost too much to my companies because most people still can find their place in the global society and sooner or later they succeed in working for money as a part of the establishment...

In the pictures below: no places where I belong to but places that I am longing for... Earlier it used to be the policy of my family that "only the strong survive" because we assumed that honest people are strong, as well... Now we have to see in (my entire family) that human destinies are much more complex than the previously mentioned logic suggests and honest people can be subject to lots of suffering, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 9., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Circus

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think a new Jumbo Jet of Boeing was able to be a part of circus shows as well... With its performance called "woman bound in front of a jet engine of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental..."

It goes like that: A female member of the audience is asked to participate in the show... It is her task to choose whether she wants to embark the new Jumbo Jet through one of its front left doors - or she can be bound in front of one of the turbofan jet engines of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental (static thrust: 296 kN) where she seems to disappear within the jet engine after a while but soon afterwards she appears inside of the cabin of the Jumbo Jet again as an economy class passenger... (The hand luggage of the female participant of the show is taken away by a stewardess and stowed away in a luggage bin of the aircraft so that it does not disturb the performance and in order to highlight the spaciousness of the new luggage bins in Boeing airplanes...)

Most female voluntaries choose to be bound in front of a jet engine of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - but it is not a special burden to the propulsion technology... Frozen chickens have been shot into the jet engines during their development in order to simulate the collision with a bird and the mostly red Sunrise Livery of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing is also prepared to circus attractions if you already think of possible accidents... As the final part of the performance the female participants are asked to slide down on one of the rear emergency air cushions so that the security of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is highlighted, too... Don't be afraid, you can reckon for the show with the allowance of the management of The Boeing Company which my mother is a part of, too...

"Finally we have understood the sawtooth pattern at the end of the jet engines..." (voices from the audience)
"Exactly..." (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 3., szombat

The Magic Of Aston Martin - May 3rd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is true that heavy industry and technologies based on it had to develop for thousands of years... That is why you have been able to travel by car only since 20th Century... That is why you could only build a tunnel between Great-Britain and France only at the end of 20th Century... Still it is very strange to me that people didn't even think of connecting Great-Britain with France by a bridge over the British-channel... Maybe it was simpler to dig a tunnel in the calm Earth-crust than it had been to build an over 30 km long bridge in the raging water of the British-channel... Sweden and Denmark such as 2 main islands of Japan have been connected by super-bridges and in the USA there is at least one long bridge which connects the 2 edges of a calmer bay of sea...

A 20 km long bridge connecting Africa and Spain is not being planned, a much shorter bridge between the peninsula of Italy and Sicily is not being planned either and an over 30 km long bridge between Great-Britain and France sounds like a surprise to all of us, I am afraid... If it was possible to construct these bridges by any kind of technology there was still the problem that cars driving on these bridges could be blown into the water by the strong winds around the bridges... The solution is simple but a little bit expensive: the road surfaces of these mega-bridges should be covered by glass walls and by glass cupolas and thus cars could pass these bridges without any danger...

I am only putting this down because different (or identical) people cannot be only connected by airplanes but by automobiles and trains, too - and the same is true for cultures, economies and human living places as well... During history mankind had to struggle with wars, diseases and poverty among others which did not let us and our predecessors, respectively any time to think over peaceful plans that support development... In the future we could maybe change our way of thinking: first you have to find out how to enhance the conditions of life, how to connect people and how to increase peace - and only afterwards you should think over protecting our values of material or of intellectual nature against any enemies...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 2., péntek

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - May 2nd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Yesterday I was revising the model scale of Chevrolet and of Cadillac because I was interested in if cars with V8-engines are available yet? Yes, the Chevrolet Camaro can be ordered by a 6.2-litre V8-engine with 426 HP for USD 33, 500.00 - very good...

Only because US American cars are meant to be implemented by V8-engines so that US American car customers have got a little easier life such as powerful engines in big bodyworks... In the 2nd decade of 21st Century the V8-engine of General Motors should be available in a turbo-charged version, too... According to me it had a power output of over 600 HP - you can question me what you can start with such a big power output? Well, cars of General Motors implemented by a 600 HP-engine had lots of prestige and exclusivity and they could cruise on US American highways a little faster (if the authority also agrees in) than before... (Without trucks 160 km/h could be permitted maybe...)

Cars with a V8-engine of 600 HP could cost about USD 40, 000.00 - 2 turbo-chargers don't cost any more, you had lots of electronics on board but they really shouldn't be available to beginning drivers... Although the measure of turbo-charging could be regulated, too from 420 HP to over 600 HP...

I would like to put down some more remarks:

a) If anybody builds in any hybrid-technology in US American cars with any strong engines then it is not a problem...
b) In the Porsche 944 you had an in-line 3.0-litre engine with 211 HP and in the Porsche 968, its successor you had an in-line 3.0-litre engine with 240 HP (actually without any turbo-charger) and I used to love those cars...
c) If you get asked where the fabulous Chevrolet Spark, Sonic and Cruze models are to find then you can answer that they are built into small-block-engines and you can refer to me (JDLM)...
d) What I wrote above is naturally valid for the US American Ford Company, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 30., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - The Canary Bird Of Aviation Industry

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am truly sorry but The Boeing Company will have to adjust the production rates of its aircraft types to the market demand of the future which is nearly equal to zero...

Boeing 747-8 and other variants    - 2 pieces/ month
Boeing 777-8X and -9X                 - 2 pieces/ month
Boeing 787 Dreamliner                  - 4 pieces/ month
Boeing 767 Intercity                       - 2 pieces/ month
Boeing 737 MAX                           - 2 pieces/ month

Boeing 747-8 and other variants - 240 machines in 10 years and 720 machines in 30 years

The Boeing Company is one of the strongholds of the US economy (in 2013 they produced 10 satellites next to countless airplanes, too) so its future is really relevant... Although the market of commercial aircraft threatens to collapse I am clearly and seriously against stopping the production of any commercial aircraft type of Boeing - however I can only explain this decision of mine in a difficult way...

During decades The Boeing Company, or the United States of America or mankind in general developed their capability to produce astonishing commercial aircraft for many purposes, at an excellent quality, glancing with passenger comfort and fuel-efficiency... It would be a way of self-destruction to give up our capability to build the commercial aircraft of 21st Century and perhaps to develop even further interesting concepts to reality, too...

Because of the full collapse of the commercial aviation market I don't know how many of the ready aircraft are used in the future and in what kind of terms (routes, schedule or seating plans)... However I think it makes very much a sense to produce commercial aircraft at a low monthly production rate and to store them at guarded airfields for 30 years... Ready-made aircraft without an interior finish could wait for their possible usage as commercial airplanes or private jets and I have the feeling they meant a kind of security that way to all mankind...

Naturally, because of the circumstances of the full collapse of the commercial aviation market the flying public would get rid of additional fees, taxes, charges and surcharges over the calculated price of flight tickets - for ever... And also naturally, what I put down about the temporary reduction of production rates at The Boeing Company without stopping the assembling of any commercial aircraft is also valid without restrictions for Airbus of the European Union and their amazing airplanes...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 28., hétfő

Fairy Tale About The Difference Between Fairy Tales And The Life Of Billionaires

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, Röfi, Töfi and Böfi, the 3 billionaires met the youngest son of a poor man...

The youngest son of the poor men asked Röfi for first, after having a look at the Rolls-Royce of Röfi... "Is it possible that I dwell in your guest room during my university studies?"

"I am very sorry" Röfi replied "but you are asking something impossible from me... I am a man, too so you living in my house and me would seem to be homosexuals and the CIA does not tolerate that..."

The youngest son of the poor man asked Töfi next, after having a look at the Los Angels villa of Töfi... "Is it possible that you make me to your business partner? I have an idea that was able to make 4-cylinder combustion engines as efficient as never seen before..."

"I am very sorry" Töfi replied "but you are asking something impossible from me... I have several friends already and I can only buy the production rights of your patent for a fair percentage... We can be friends maybe in 10 years..."

Finally the youngest son of the poor man asked Böfi, after having a look at price of the shares of the company of Böfi... "Is it possible that your company starts production in my home country?"

"I am very sorry" Böfi replied "but you are asking something impossible from me... Expenses of production are too high in your country already and it makes much more sense to look for less developed countries as locations for an investment..."

The youngest son of the poor man was seriously confused as he had to face the fact that extremely rich men are not able to help any of his problems... He had to see in that a very big fortune does not make you able to solve the problems of the life of others - at least not in his case... Finally the youngest son of the poor man started to look for friends who are not a total disappointment and he imagined the Kingdom of Heaven as a fully different world than the starting 21st Century...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 23., szerda

Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental - The New Queen Of The Skies

Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental - The Breakthrough

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me introduce the newest project of The Boeing Company, that means a significantly longer version of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing to you through a comparison to the already existing Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental...

                         Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental            Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental

Overall length: 76.3 m                                                 85.3 m
Wing span:       68.5 m                                                 68.5 m
Tail height:       19.4 m                                                 19.4 m

Cabin Width:    6.1 m                                                   6.1 m

Typical 3-class
configuration:    467                                                      548

Engines:            4x GEnx-2B67                                    4x CFM International LEAP
                                                                                           with Speed Tubes
thrust:                296 kN each                                        100 - 120 kN each
                                                                                       (without Speed Tubes)

Tires on front
landing gear:     2                                                          4
Tires on main
landing gear:     16                                                        20

Price:                 USD 356.9 Million                             USD 396.9 Million

What kind of advantages would a Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental have compared to the 747-8 version? First of all, it would be more environmentally friendly: it carried 81 more passengers which means a smaller fuel consumption per seat and it had a smaller fuel consumption in general, too because of its advanced technologies... The operating costs of the Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental would be smaller than those of the shorter version, too...

According to computer calculations a reduction in the fuel consumption by 2.5% could be expected from a Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental compared to a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - at the same cruising speed and at an increased number of passengers... I guess because of the powerful structure and the reliable technologies of the Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental all luxury and show effects of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental were able to be transferred to the newest version of the Jumbo Jet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 19., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Or Freighter - Decoliner

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Decoliner" means an aircraft that only looks from the outside like an aircraft - inside it is a subway car... When a Jumbo Jet of Boeing leaves behind over 10,000 km in an hour (in other words: nearly all city pairs on Earth can be connected by a Jumbo Jet of Boeing within 1 or 2 hours) then you can use this immense speed for realising "standing places" on the airliner, too... For a healthy man or woman it is not a problem to spend 1 or 2 hours in a standing position physically...

One big problem is to ensure a fully secure take-off and a fully secure landing - with the safety as on aircraft with passenger seats... This basic security requirement can be full-filled by a foldable and multi-purpose whip-basket which is hanging down from a strong frame made of carbon-fibre plastic... Another big problem is how you can spend your time in a meaningful way and in a standing position during cruising... According to me it made the most sense to do all kinds of body exercises by the help of the above mentioned strong frame out of carbon-fibre plastic...

Naturally, on the Upper Deck of a Boeing 747-8 Decoliner there should be economy class and lie-flat-seats for exhausted passengers... A SkyLoft with approx. 20 berths in the crown space could be used by the most exhausted passengers or as a medical facility... Taking a shower after exercising for 1 or 2 hours cannot be solved for hundreds of passengers onboard a Jumbo Jet but specially prepared airports should await tourists with an interest in fitness with plenty of showers and locker rooms... Taking some food or drink to you during flight could be organised by a snack bar, maybe in a forward observation deck in the unique bow of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing...

Unfortunately I have no idea of how many of the take-off-, landing- and exercise-frames could be installed onboard of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental or Freighter - I have reckoned with the possibility of carrying 420 (7 abreast x 60) to 500 passengers at a flight...

"A Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is a Renaissance Airplane!" (JDLM)
"I am going to give birth..." (Madonna)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 14., hétfő

New Concorde - Our Design Philosophy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Birds don't suffer in a bird-cage or in an aviary... Because they don't like flying, they only have to fly in their everyday life... It is humans who enjoy flying (even in space) but humans are much further developed living creatures than birds - so the needs of birds are also more primitive...

For a full-filled human life you don't need to be able to sing nicely - it is also o.k. if you are talented and colourful in some other respect...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 13., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Coolness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is little coolness in the passengers of the business class of an airplane, according to me...

Why does anyone travel in the business class?

In the business class you can work, they say... a) People who work during a flight instead of admiring the landscape or of socialising or of taking a rest simply (including modern electronic entertainment) must hate flying... b) It is impossible to work among people who are eating, sleeping, watching TV, having a conversation or living an intensive emotional life... I don't know what kind of work you can arrange even during 15 hours, for example: "I am planning a house..." People who claim to work on commercial airplanes must be lying... c) When the main purpose of your journey is doing business somewhere then you fly alone, without kids and wife, not to mention a group of tourists or of friends... I guess people who travel alone have got the most chances to visit tourist attractions at their destination in a paradox way - they must be selfish...

In the business class you have got much better opportunities in terms of lie-flat-seats to sleep than in the economy class... But why do you prepare to sleep on airplanes? Either you are too much afraid of flying or you trust the security of commercial aircraft in a sensational way (in a similar way to the flying personnel)...

In the economy class you can have different flying experiences in a sitting position and you can take a nip as well... In the first class you can have different flying experiences, too surrounded by so much luxury that you don't think of working... In the first class you can sleep in a full-size bed however it is a matter of absolute luck if you can be a first class passenger or not - so you don't plan sleeping onboard of an airplane, similarly to economy class passengers...

Depending on the amount of the flying public economy class seats cannot be only "coach seats" but they can be more comfortable lie-flat-seats, as well... On the other hand, just onboard the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental a SkyLoft enables approx. 20 berths in the crown space which were able to mean first class traveling for 20 more passengers... (On a Boeing 777X the crown space could even contain 2 x 20 berths - regarding the respectable length of the aircraft - if passengers were ready to traffic in a very low corridor in a sitting position to their beds and back to the stairs...) When all is said and done, it would be most important according to me that 3-class seating plans and the business class disappear because of the above mentioned unfriendly and perhaps dangerous flying audience of the business class...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 12., szombat

Airbus A340-600 - Zero Gravity

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm afraid there is zero gravity onboard Airbus A340-500 and A340-600 type aircraft during normal flight conditions and cruising, respectively... That is why an Airbus A340 is (as an ingenious engineering idea) a longer version of the Airbus A330 with (in case of the greater variants) 4 powerful engines - however they lack further modifications in details... So an Airbus A340-500 or -600 are speeding through the sky like an arrow which means they want to leave the curvature of Earth taking passengers with themselves who are more pressed into the seats than subjects to the gravitational force of the Earth, just like in case of very fast sports cars... It is also true that an Airbus A340-500 or A340-600 are so fast already that the passengers in them take off from Earth just like in the seats of a carousel on the curved still ideal route from their airports of departure to their destination airports on the spherical surface of Planet Earth...

The solution for the sports-car effect would be to enlarge the horizontal elevators of the Airbus A340 aircraft (especially in case of the greater variants) so that the airliners have got "spoilers" which press them down towards Earth - juts like sports cars have got spoilers... The solution for the carousel-effect would be the usage of the "super-cruise" navigation program instead of the already conventional curved routes between departure and destination airports...

So the Airbus A340-500 and -600 aircraft consume too much from the weight of passengers and not from aircraft fuel...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 11., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - "Out Of Stock"

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It happens only seldom to customers of The Boeing Company that they cannot be offered any fitting product - still there is one big hole in the product range of The Boeing Company, let's call it "Death Valley..." I am meaning the price list of Boeing for the year 2014:

Boeing 737 MAX: about USD 100 Million
Boeing 787 Dreamliner: from over USD 200 Million to nearly USD 300 Million
Boeing 777: about USD 300 Million
Boeing 747-8: over USD 350 Million

In the price category from USD 100 Million to USD 200 Million The Boeing Company do not offer anything to their potential customers... A mid-size Boeing 787 Dreamliner costs between USD 200 Million and USD 300 Million - but the airplane is worth of its price naturally as it is made out of reinforced plastic and contains lots of high-tech in other terms, too... Its predecessor, a Boeing 767 costs between USD 100 Million and USD 200 Million - however no one is interested in this machine any more...

The gap in the price category from USD 100 Million to USD 200 Million could be filled out by a full double-deck version of the Boeing 737 MAX and/or by a remake of the Boeing 767 whose fuselage and wings are made of aluminium but it could be made environmentally friendly by other solutions... Passenger aircraft in the above mentioned price spectrum would mean aircraft for the beginning with commercial aviation from the point of view of passengers but for airlines, too which is a task that cannot be unsolved and what's more you needed modern and exciting solutions if available...

If The Boeing Company has run short of names then the name B757 was able to mean an entirely different aircraft in the 2nd or 3rd decade of 21st Century than in the 1980's... There are the names B707 and B717 and B727, too to be chosen... Competition is not as interesting at the design of your airplanes but Airbus is already represented in the price category from USD 100 Million to USD 200 Million by the Airbus A320neo...

"Lord, I am calling to you from the Valley of Death" (Psalms) - and you will be listened to...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 8., kedd

New Concorde - The Dream Of Flying

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let us compare the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor to the Boeing 737 MAX 7, 8 and 9 in some of their basic characteristics (weight and thrust):

F-22 Raptor:

Empty weight: 19, 700 kg
Loaded weight: 29, 300 kg
Max. takeoff weight: 38, 000 kg

Fuel capacity:
a) 8, 200 kg internally or
b) 11, 900 kg with 2 external fuel tanks

How do I interpret these weight data of the F-22 Raptor?

Empty weight means the weight of an aircraft in the way it leaves the factory... With 2 shiny new engines, carefully designed fuselage and wings, landing gear and state-of-the-art avionics it is capable of flying...

Loaded weight of a military jet fighter is not explained in Wikipedia but I guess it means the aircraft after armouring by approx. 10 tons of super-materials... Because military jet fighters are armoured, too like tanks, off-roaders or combat helicopters so that they are as bullet-proof as possible...

Maximum takeoff weight means the highest weight which a pilot can attempt a take-off from the runway at... When you add the loaded weight of an F-22 (29, 300 kg) and the internal fuel capacity (8, 200 kg) you get the max. takeoff weight as an approx. result (38, 000 kg)...

I have the feeling that you can add the weight of the external fuel tanks (11, 900 kg) to the maximum takeoff weight when it is about longer flights (or something else) so you get 50, 000 kg as a top weight of a military jet fighter that only carries 1 pilot...

Power-plant: 2 x Pratt and Whitney F119-PW-100 Pitch Thrust vectoring turbofans(!)

Dry thrust: 104 kN each
Thrust with afterburner: 156+ kN each

Boeing 737 MAX:

Max. takeoff weight:

737 MAX 7: 72, 303 kg   (126 seats, 2-class, typical)
737 MAX 8: 82, 191 kg   (162 seats, 2-class, typical)
737 MAX 9: 88, 314 kg   (180 seats, 2-class, typical)

Main engines: 2 x CFM International LEAP turbofan jet engines
Thrust: 100 - 120 kN each

I would like to draw the conclusion from the above that if a poorest F-22 Raptor didn't have to fight with nearly 10 tons of armouring and 12 tons of external fuel tanks which seem to be unnecessary at world peace already on the ground but it had a fuselage and wings of carbon-fibre plastic instead which were not prepared to carry lots of extra-weight then you had a cutting-edge and supersonic private jet for 1 passenger... Such a tiny private jet would be similar to the Boeing Business Jet regarding their value and usability... A BBJ offers maximum space, comfort and range for let's say 8 passengers by a little modification of a commercial passenger jet... A supersonic mini-private-jet would be little enough to be stored in your yard, it could take-off from and land on many ad-hoc runways and it would offer a really fast way to connect continents - at an acceptable performance in the area of environmental protection...

The Rolls-Royce of the skies...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 6., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Improving Electronic Systems

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How can you avoid broad bundles of data cables on airplanes - which are mostly used for fly-by-wire systems?

a) Instead of a bundle of cables I would only use one single wire for data transfer...

b) However this wire (or bus) should deliver signs or data from the control units to the executive devices at a very high speed and a very high frequency, respectively... I mean there was not only one sign in half an hour for the actuator of a steering surface in a cable but there were millions and millions of signs in a second in a wire for many electronic devices which have to be controlled...

c) That means signs and data should be ordered into a sequence - instead of ruling over one wire alone... However because of the high speed of information transfer it would mean a difficulty to any electronic implementation to wait for a broken part of a second for a sign or data - because this short waiting for some information would spoil reaction times, reliability of electronic systems and security in a significant way...

d) I don't know what types of wires are used currently on Boeing airplanes but in the above described tree of one central sign and data trunk a glass-fibre light-cable should be used - in a similar way to high-speed internet connections - for really fast information transfer and for great reliability...

e) Using - sure is sure - 2 data trees in an airplane instead of bundles of electronic cables made of copper could reduce the weight of airplanes, it could accelerate their assembly and make their eventual reparation easier... Without any negative effect on flight characteristics, according to me...

f) Sending and evaluating signs and data at the required very high speeds wouldn't be any problem if modern GHz-processors processed inputs in the controlling panels and commands in the executive devices...

For my Valued Readers I would like to put down that I don't work for free for The Boeing Company but for a salary that is worth of an example... I would like to say tank you to The Boeing Company for their generosity... Only that I cannot really receive my salary...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. április 3., csütörtök

Air Force One Concept - For The Pope Of Denver

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When the USA lives in prosperity why not buy the largest airplane of the world, the Airbus A380 which is very fashionable among large airplanes nowadays for the purposes of an Air Force One machine?

The King of the USA and the Durable President of the USA (my modest person) will be best supplied by 2 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIP jets... While the Pope of Denver who cannot travel on anything else than a private jet called Air Force One, too could receive an Airbus A380 VIP - French products often succeed in the United States...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - LIGHT

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have hidden an invention of mine in the below 3 pictures... So that you find out my invention you have to search for the 2 significant differences among the 3 pictures - out of the point of view of energy efficiency...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 27., csütörtök

Boeing 737 MAX Ecoliner Concept - Extended Sky Interior

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why do you carry the picture of the General Manager of Airbus on Boeing airplanes? Because you are grateful to Him...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team