2014. május 9., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Circus

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think a new Jumbo Jet of Boeing was able to be a part of circus shows as well... With its performance called "woman bound in front of a jet engine of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental..."

It goes like that: A female member of the audience is asked to participate in the show... It is her task to choose whether she wants to embark the new Jumbo Jet through one of its front left doors - or she can be bound in front of one of the turbofan jet engines of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental (static thrust: 296 kN) where she seems to disappear within the jet engine after a while but soon afterwards she appears inside of the cabin of the Jumbo Jet again as an economy class passenger... (The hand luggage of the female participant of the show is taken away by a stewardess and stowed away in a luggage bin of the aircraft so that it does not disturb the performance and in order to highlight the spaciousness of the new luggage bins in Boeing airplanes...)

Most female voluntaries choose to be bound in front of a jet engine of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - but it is not a special burden to the propulsion technology... Frozen chickens have been shot into the jet engines during their development in order to simulate the collision with a bird and the mostly red Sunrise Livery of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing is also prepared to circus attractions if you already think of possible accidents... As the final part of the performance the female participants are asked to slide down on one of the rear emergency air cushions so that the security of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is highlighted, too... Don't be afraid, you can reckon for the show with the allowance of the management of The Boeing Company which my mother is a part of, too...

"Finally we have understood the sawtooth pattern at the end of the jet engines..." (voices from the audience)
"Exactly..." (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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