2014. május 3., szombat

The Magic Of Aston Martin - May 3rd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is true that heavy industry and technologies based on it had to develop for thousands of years... That is why you have been able to travel by car only since 20th Century... That is why you could only build a tunnel between Great-Britain and France only at the end of 20th Century... Still it is very strange to me that people didn't even think of connecting Great-Britain with France by a bridge over the British-channel... Maybe it was simpler to dig a tunnel in the calm Earth-crust than it had been to build an over 30 km long bridge in the raging water of the British-channel... Sweden and Denmark such as 2 main islands of Japan have been connected by super-bridges and in the USA there is at least one long bridge which connects the 2 edges of a calmer bay of sea...

A 20 km long bridge connecting Africa and Spain is not being planned, a much shorter bridge between the peninsula of Italy and Sicily is not being planned either and an over 30 km long bridge between Great-Britain and France sounds like a surprise to all of us, I am afraid... If it was possible to construct these bridges by any kind of technology there was still the problem that cars driving on these bridges could be blown into the water by the strong winds around the bridges... The solution is simple but a little bit expensive: the road surfaces of these mega-bridges should be covered by glass walls and by glass cupolas and thus cars could pass these bridges without any danger...

I am only putting this down because different (or identical) people cannot be only connected by airplanes but by automobiles and trains, too - and the same is true for cultures, economies and human living places as well... During history mankind had to struggle with wars, diseases and poverty among others which did not let us and our predecessors, respectively any time to think over peaceful plans that support development... In the future we could maybe change our way of thinking: first you have to find out how to enhance the conditions of life, how to connect people and how to increase peace - and only afterwards you should think over protecting our values of material or of intellectual nature against any enemies...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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