2014. április 6., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Improving Electronic Systems

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How can you avoid broad bundles of data cables on airplanes - which are mostly used for fly-by-wire systems?

a) Instead of a bundle of cables I would only use one single wire for data transfer...

b) However this wire (or bus) should deliver signs or data from the control units to the executive devices at a very high speed and a very high frequency, respectively... I mean there was not only one sign in half an hour for the actuator of a steering surface in a cable but there were millions and millions of signs in a second in a wire for many electronic devices which have to be controlled...

c) That means signs and data should be ordered into a sequence - instead of ruling over one wire alone... However because of the high speed of information transfer it would mean a difficulty to any electronic implementation to wait for a broken part of a second for a sign or data - because this short waiting for some information would spoil reaction times, reliability of electronic systems and security in a significant way...

d) I don't know what types of wires are used currently on Boeing airplanes but in the above described tree of one central sign and data trunk a glass-fibre light-cable should be used - in a similar way to high-speed internet connections - for really fast information transfer and for great reliability...

e) Using - sure is sure - 2 data trees in an airplane instead of bundles of electronic cables made of copper could reduce the weight of airplanes, it could accelerate their assembly and make their eventual reparation easier... Without any negative effect on flight characteristics, according to me...

f) Sending and evaluating signs and data at the required very high speeds wouldn't be any problem if modern GHz-processors processed inputs in the controlling panels and commands in the executive devices...

For my Valued Readers I would like to put down that I don't work for free for The Boeing Company but for a salary that is worth of an example... I would like to say tank you to The Boeing Company for their generosity... Only that I cannot really receive my salary...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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