2014. április 23., szerda

Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental - The Breakthrough

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me introduce the newest project of The Boeing Company, that means a significantly longer version of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing to you through a comparison to the already existing Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental...

                         Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental            Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental

Overall length: 76.3 m                                                 85.3 m
Wing span:       68.5 m                                                 68.5 m
Tail height:       19.4 m                                                 19.4 m

Cabin Width:    6.1 m                                                   6.1 m

Typical 3-class
configuration:    467                                                      548

Engines:            4x GEnx-2B67                                    4x CFM International LEAP
                                                                                           with Speed Tubes
thrust:                296 kN each                                        100 - 120 kN each
                                                                                       (without Speed Tubes)

Tires on front
landing gear:     2                                                          4
Tires on main
landing gear:     16                                                        20

Price:                 USD 356.9 Million                             USD 396.9 Million

What kind of advantages would a Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental have compared to the 747-8 version? First of all, it would be more environmentally friendly: it carried 81 more passengers which means a smaller fuel consumption per seat and it had a smaller fuel consumption in general, too because of its advanced technologies... The operating costs of the Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental would be smaller than those of the shorter version, too...

According to computer calculations a reduction in the fuel consumption by 2.5% could be expected from a Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental compared to a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - at the same cruising speed and at an increased number of passengers... I guess because of the powerful structure and the reliable technologies of the Boeing 747-9 Intercontinental all luxury and show effects of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental were able to be transferred to the newest version of the Jumbo Jet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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