2014. április 19., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Or Freighter - Decoliner

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Decoliner" means an aircraft that only looks from the outside like an aircraft - inside it is a subway car... When a Jumbo Jet of Boeing leaves behind over 10,000 km in an hour (in other words: nearly all city pairs on Earth can be connected by a Jumbo Jet of Boeing within 1 or 2 hours) then you can use this immense speed for realising "standing places" on the airliner, too... For a healthy man or woman it is not a problem to spend 1 or 2 hours in a standing position physically...

One big problem is to ensure a fully secure take-off and a fully secure landing - with the safety as on aircraft with passenger seats... This basic security requirement can be full-filled by a foldable and multi-purpose whip-basket which is hanging down from a strong frame made of carbon-fibre plastic... Another big problem is how you can spend your time in a meaningful way and in a standing position during cruising... According to me it made the most sense to do all kinds of body exercises by the help of the above mentioned strong frame out of carbon-fibre plastic...

Naturally, on the Upper Deck of a Boeing 747-8 Decoliner there should be economy class and lie-flat-seats for exhausted passengers... A SkyLoft with approx. 20 berths in the crown space could be used by the most exhausted passengers or as a medical facility... Taking a shower after exercising for 1 or 2 hours cannot be solved for hundreds of passengers onboard a Jumbo Jet but specially prepared airports should await tourists with an interest in fitness with plenty of showers and locker rooms... Taking some food or drink to you during flight could be organised by a snack bar, maybe in a forward observation deck in the unique bow of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing...

Unfortunately I have no idea of how many of the take-off-, landing- and exercise-frames could be installed onboard of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental or Freighter - I have reckoned with the possibility of carrying 420 (7 abreast x 60) to 500 passengers at a flight...

"A Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is a Renaissance Airplane!" (JDLM)
"I am going to give birth..." (Madonna)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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