2014. április 13., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Coolness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is little coolness in the passengers of the business class of an airplane, according to me...

Why does anyone travel in the business class?

In the business class you can work, they say... a) People who work during a flight instead of admiring the landscape or of socialising or of taking a rest simply (including modern electronic entertainment) must hate flying... b) It is impossible to work among people who are eating, sleeping, watching TV, having a conversation or living an intensive emotional life... I don't know what kind of work you can arrange even during 15 hours, for example: "I am planning a house..." People who claim to work on commercial airplanes must be lying... c) When the main purpose of your journey is doing business somewhere then you fly alone, without kids and wife, not to mention a group of tourists or of friends... I guess people who travel alone have got the most chances to visit tourist attractions at their destination in a paradox way - they must be selfish...

In the business class you have got much better opportunities in terms of lie-flat-seats to sleep than in the economy class... But why do you prepare to sleep on airplanes? Either you are too much afraid of flying or you trust the security of commercial aircraft in a sensational way (in a similar way to the flying personnel)...

In the economy class you can have different flying experiences in a sitting position and you can take a nip as well... In the first class you can have different flying experiences, too surrounded by so much luxury that you don't think of working... In the first class you can sleep in a full-size bed however it is a matter of absolute luck if you can be a first class passenger or not - so you don't plan sleeping onboard of an airplane, similarly to economy class passengers...

Depending on the amount of the flying public economy class seats cannot be only "coach seats" but they can be more comfortable lie-flat-seats, as well... On the other hand, just onboard the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental a SkyLoft enables approx. 20 berths in the crown space which were able to mean first class traveling for 20 more passengers... (On a Boeing 777X the crown space could even contain 2 x 20 berths - regarding the respectable length of the aircraft - if passengers were ready to traffic in a very low corridor in a sitting position to their beds and back to the stairs...) When all is said and done, it would be most important according to me that 3-class seating plans and the business class disappear because of the above mentioned unfriendly and perhaps dangerous flying audience of the business class...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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