2014. április 12., szombat

Airbus A340-600 - Zero Gravity

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm afraid there is zero gravity onboard Airbus A340-500 and A340-600 type aircraft during normal flight conditions and cruising, respectively... That is why an Airbus A340 is (as an ingenious engineering idea) a longer version of the Airbus A330 with (in case of the greater variants) 4 powerful engines - however they lack further modifications in details... So an Airbus A340-500 or -600 are speeding through the sky like an arrow which means they want to leave the curvature of Earth taking passengers with themselves who are more pressed into the seats than subjects to the gravitational force of the Earth, just like in case of very fast sports cars... It is also true that an Airbus A340-500 or A340-600 are so fast already that the passengers in them take off from Earth just like in the seats of a carousel on the curved still ideal route from their airports of departure to their destination airports on the spherical surface of Planet Earth...

The solution for the sports-car effect would be to enlarge the horizontal elevators of the Airbus A340 aircraft (especially in case of the greater variants) so that the airliners have got "spoilers" which press them down towards Earth - juts like sports cars have got spoilers... The solution for the carousel-effect would be the usage of the "super-cruise" navigation program instead of the already conventional curved routes between departure and destination airports...

So the Airbus A340-500 and -600 aircraft consume too much from the weight of passengers and not from aircraft fuel...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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