2013. április 1., hétfő

The Static Analysis Of Fairy Tales

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After V.I. Propp studied the morphology of fairy tales I would like to write about the content of fairy tales... As most fairy tales contain a King I think that fairy tales deal with politics in symbolic terms... Further explanation:

1) Characters in a fairy tale:

a) A dragon means any kind of abnormality in fairy tales...
b) A hero always has got one or more friends - or a miracle happens to him that means God is with him...
c) There can be a devil in a fairy tale, too...

2) US American fairy tales:

a) I am convinced that children's cartoon movies represent the US American fairy tales... Only that they are produced and broadcasted by modern television technology... Children's cartoon movies mean the base of modern popular arts, as well...
b) Regarding their content US American fairy tales may be the continuation of European traditions... For example the stories of Tom and Jerry are about the military...

3) Arabian fairy tales:

a) As far as I know Arabian fairy tales they are about project management...
b) For example: a very rich salesman, a very intelligent wife, box in a box arrangement etc.
c) European fairy tales deal with project management, too... It is typical that a King announces a competition for the marriage with his daughter...

4) Grimm's fairy tales:

a) Frau Holle - work or deceit
b) Schneewittchen - the Minister President and the Ministers, the angry step-mother thinks that Schneewittchen stands above her, the Prince breathes life in Schneewittchen
c) Dornröschen - top secret
d) Aschenputtel - escape

5) Comments:

a) Of course, there are many other types of fairy tales, too such as fairy tales about animals or Indian fairy tales...
b) It is for sure that children need the experience of fairy tales in their original terms and no modern explanations about politics...
c) If you start with the interpretation of another symbol than the King you may find other topics in fairy tales... For example: the successful youngest son - gay life, magic tool - industry or economical life etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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