2013. április 3., szerda

New Concorde - Boeing InteriYours

Ladies and Gentlemen,

An interior option for New Concorde could be so called "bubble chairs" - strictly hanging from the ceiling... I'm trying to gather their advantages:

a) During takeoff and climbing the acceleration of the airplane would have an effect on the bubble chairs while your body could keep a nearly vertical position and I don't think you felt the acceleration... This might be relevant during a climbing to a cruising altitude of 18,000 meters... Descending and landing could be also more comfortable through the same effect...

b) Bubble chairs are shell-type seats as well - that means they offered an unmatched security for the passengers, such as more privacy than traditional seats...

c) Comfort during cruising is also important... The bubble chairs on New Concorde should be much more complex seats than the pieces of home furniture in the pictures below... They should have arm-, head- and leg-rests and for example modern, integrated and electronic comfort features in their back... However I hope that bubble chairs on New Concorde were comfortable already by their principle: they could rock you into sleep...

d) We know that airplanes should have a "keel" on their roof that hurled them towards a low Earth orbit... If the bubble chairs on New Concorde were hanging down strictly from the ceiling you could reach some of the previously mentioned effect and the aircraft would have better flight characteristics...

e) Bubble chairs could be even turned against the direction of flight and that way a pleasant club-athmosphere could be created for a group of 4 of the passengers...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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