2013. április 4., csütörtök

New Concorde - Alice In Wonderland

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The stargate-technology is there but you don't really know where it was able to be used in a meaningful way... For interstellar traveling it is far too direct: tourists or scientists using the stargate would appear as an army of invasion... For planetary traveling it is not appropriate either: using the stargate doesn't mean any experience on its own...

However I have the feeling that the stargate-technology can be an option of New Concorde... You could access dedicated shopping malls, sports facilities, restaurants or just your home - during flight... The stargate-technology could ensure that New Concorde remains the most comfortable way of traveling on the planet...

A personal note: the first version of Concorde was not as comfortable yet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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