2013. április 24., szerda

The Magic Of Aston Martin April 24th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm trying to answer the question how can you be a saint?

a) You read very often legends like that: "He or she took to him- or herself only a very, very little oatmeal for many days..." You may say: "Well, I sometimes gulp 2 BigMacs..." I would say that God's ways of salvation and enlightenment are unique - such as God's love...

b) "How about fasting?" Fasting is very healthy and it is a very important part of the preparation to Easter... If you forget about fasting you should say an Our Father...

c) Let's repeat the most important colours in the religious year... White means the holiness of God, violet is the colour of the Holy Spirit and green is the colour of hope... "I used to be totally disguised..."

d) Children and the church... Children play after religious classes table tennis - actually they should play Monopoly or they should create internet sites... We are working on the problem...

e) "How much sex is allowed for a saint?" Most religious regulations and manuals write that you are supposed to have "an appropriate sexual life..." Most importantly sex is an expression of love - it is o.k. with God...

f) "The Pope of Rome blesses Ferraris - what does the Pope of Denver bless?" The Pope of Denver blesses Boeing commercial airplanes and Boeing VIP jets...

g) "I came home from the hairdresser's and I was not at all satisfied with the result... Should I pray for her?" Yes, you should...

h) "I am lonesome... How can I find a life-partner?" I think it is typical that your life-partner is already an important part of your life only that you don't recognise his or her affections... And what's more you have to work on a happy relationship during your hole life...

i) "I have got several speeding tickets... How can I be purified?" If I were you I tried to live a soother life... Don't let stress and the burdens of everydays rule over you life and listen to the voice of God...

j) "All my dream is a Rolls-Royce... Or a Maybach... Will I ever have them?" You are going to have them when you are 50 years old...

k) "Actually I like strawberry shake... Am I on the right path?" Yes, you are... Don't forget to share your strawberry shake with others...

l) "I am a belly dancer and I think it is good for my neighbours... Is it possible to create miracles with some more belly button effects?" Belly button effects are like the sacred oil that was poured on the head of the Lord Jesus Christ... So yes, so much faith can create miracles...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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