2013. április 4., csütörtök

New Concorde - Maintenance

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let's collect a couple of facts about machinery parts:

a) Difficult machines can be only built out of many parts...
b) Regarding maintenance works it is the ideal that machines are made out of few parts that can be exchanged easily...
c) More components mean more possibilities for failures...
d) More components mean more possibilities for maintenance - instead of the need to dump the whole implement...

Articles c) and d) nullify each other... Articles a) and b) resulted in the next solution: all onboard implements of New Concorde (air-conditioning, hydraulic pumps, computers, wastewater treatment etc.) should be installed into racks... Within these racks the implements could be any complicated - however the racks could be exchanged easily (for example for maintenance works on the ground)...

Onboard galleys of airplanes are based on racks and computer systems must be similar, too... It is my idea that all other machines on an airplane are contained by racks as well... In the pictures: racks conquer the world...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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