2013. április 3., szerda

New Concorde - Sightseeing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think I wrote already about this idea of mine in connection with space tourism - but I would like to repeat it as hypersonic travelling is very similar to space tourism...

Let's say an airplane is capable of flying at Mach 10... That means it leaves behind approx. 10,000 km every hour... That means such an airplane can circumnavigate the Earth in roughly 4 hours...

Now if passengers are ready to devote 14 hours to a flight from London to Sydney then they can fly around the Earth 3 times during this period of time and also travel from London to Sydney... In other words: 3 world trips could be included on a flight by a hypersonic jet on any routes...

In case of a space shuttle you can spend 2 weeks by orbiting the Earth between starting anywhere and landing anywhere... In this understanding of space tourism not the connection of two cities is the most interesting part but enjoying an exceptional view of our planet and of outer space such as experiencing the unique environment of space...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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