2013. április 10., szerda

Solar Tower Power Plant April 10th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is spring and you are thinking about solar power plants... Based on a report on Boeing's success with highly efficient solar cells and a small mirror telescope that I saw the other day on YouTube I assembled a new type of solar power plants: the Solar Tower...

A Solar Tower consists of a huge but very simple mirror telescope (the main mirror could have a radius of several kilometres and it could be nothing but a thin layer of aluminium on the ground, the focusing tower should be as high as 1 km or more) and of highly efficient solar cells (that are expensive but you need only a few of them)... The advantages of a Solar Tower:

a) it could collect lots of sunshine during the whole day - without any rotating parts,
b) it was easy to build and resistible against weather and other harms and
c) because of the focusing of the sunshine you need only a few solar panels...

Boeing Subsidiary Spectrolab Sets World Record for Solar Cell Efficiency

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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