2012. május 31., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Cascade Of Fitness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Airbus is also dreaming: "The Fly Your Ideas challenge is part of Airbus’ Future by Airbus – a pioneering vision of sustainable aviation in 2050. University students of any nationality or discipline – from engineering to marketing; business to science; information technology to design – are invited to participate. Proposals must address the key issues facing the industry: Energy, Efficiency, Affordable Growth, Traffic Growth, Passenger Experience, or Community Friendliness." (Airbus)

By the way "passenger experience" and "community friendliness": a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental can carry in its passenger/airline version approx. 580 passengers in a 2-class-configuration... There is the business class for really frequent flyers and there is the economy class for passengers who fly on a holiday once a year... Don't tell me that you cannot take 10 to 15 hours traveling "coach" (as I read somewhere) on an outbound flight and on a returning flight - in a year...

If so much economy class is too much burden to you, if it is too exhausting and if you don't fit in an economy class seat then, I'm very sorry, you shouldn't leave home at all but you should drive to your physician... So a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental can carry 580 fit, healthy and strong passengers while its closest competitor carries 525 limp, spent and inert sluggards on an average... (I have heard this from my Mother...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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