2012. május 8., kedd

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Musical Chairs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing Company did not develop a full double-deck airliner yet but it decided to enhance the legendary Boeing 747... (The Boeing Company made good decisions in case of the Boeing 777 already, newly with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner or the Boeing 737 MAX - the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental must be a very well succeeded airplane as well... It has got the most modern engines, wings and interiors - the lack of interest for the Jumbo Jet remains a mystery...)

So it seems to be a task of the Sales Department - and I don't mean it personally, of course - to find customers for the Jumbo Jet... Which is not an easy task... In harmony with the ingenious "Sunrise Livery" a Jumbo Jet really means welfare, success and prestige... However in times of a global recession (the economy of the European Union menaces to collapse according to some news) you cannot sell sensational luxury...

Except you (the USA) decide to support the world in crisis and to prevent the escalation of the crisis by a new "Marshall-Aid..." Practically I mean that the otherwise very friendly prise of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental of approx. USD 330 million should be reduced to USD 200 million... This had 2 major benefits:

a) you could keep thousands of jobs in the USA connected to the production of the Boeing 747 and
b) customers of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing could acquire an extremely useful and cutting-edge airliner easily so that their economy and the global economy, respectively could grow further...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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