2012. május 21., hétfő

Theories On Infinity May 21st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"The world is a dream of God," this imagination was already there in Ancient Egypt... (Meaning that God is more real than the world by the way...)

I would turn around the philosophy: God is a dream of the world... Now are we not allowed to have dreams either? Cannot we strive for elevated ideas and for a world that is getting better and better? (Mankind always makes its dreams real by the way...)

This way of thinking might be useful, too... Because we, humans always create gods (this belongs to our nature so to say) - in terms of Titanic, nuclear power plants or Elvis Presley for example... We should be aware of this tendency and dream of a real God... Of course, everybody has got the freedom to choose his or her God...

My God is Jesus Christ...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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