2012. május 21., hétfő

Theories On Infinity May 21st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Domestic animals have got a few common attributes:

a) they are useful in many ways,
b) they don't eat each other either,
c) they are very often white...

How did mankind succeed in taming them?

Domestic plants also have got a few common attributes:

a) they are not really there in nature,
b) they are not toxic and
c) they have unusually big fruits...

How did mankind succeed in finding such mutants?

I have the feeling that domestic plants and animals are a present of God...

Humans also have got some significant differences from animals:

a) humans build machines,
b) human culture products (language, science and arts) are abstract and
c) humans can survive in outer space...

How did mankind succeed in all the above without a purpose?

I have the feeling that human purposes are similar to the infinity of God...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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