2012. május 30., szerda

Maybe A Glass Of Milk

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Even if all life comes from God not everything good is a miracle in the world... There are good (useful, pleasant or constructive) things in the world that became so common and average during history that we call them "natural..." For example Amnesty International or different charities or air-conditioning are no wonders but they are "natural" already: they have a stable place in our culture, law system or economy...

However I think that everybody needs miracles in his or her life - just because we are unique... Most often we can live on natural and good things but everybody has got quite individual problems, too - for which we need individual solutions... And an individual solution for a situation that has never been seen before and that is completely new in the world is called a miracle - according to our faith...

Mr. Michael Jackson died at loneliness although friends and family belong to the most natural things in the world... He used to complain for approx. 30 years about being lonely - noone really listened to him... Poor, poor Mr. Michael Jackson...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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