2012. június 1., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Sound Check

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing 747-8 App is finally available... And I am mesmerized...

The only thing I recognized is that the airplane is relatively quiet indeed - but there is now a cold and metallic ringing in the engine sound... If jet engines could be made out of plastic you could maybe avoid even this little noise... Jet engines out of plastic would not only be quieter but they could be lighter, too...

I know that the aircraft industry is happy to be able to produce jet engines out of titanium - that can bear the extreme inner powers and the extreme heat... However there were already soundless plastic truck engines as far as I know - you should "only" develop the technology further so that it is suitable for jet engines, too...

Because you need new purposes and dreams as well...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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