2012. június 9., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Prices

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Commodities are in so, of course, you can also purchase the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental by the following:

a) 40,000 camels,
b) 5,000 m2 of barock castles,
c) 10,000 bags of wool,
d) 10,000 km2 of test terrain,
e) 1,000,000 portions of sushi,
f) 5 bamboo buds,
g) 1 "Great Wall of China" type brick,
h) 10 love songs (with copyright, etc.),
i) 20 km2 of solar power plants,
j) 1 TV show (all seasons) etc.

The above prices are without VAT and may vary according to the equipment...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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