2012. június 2., szombat

Theories On Infinity June 2nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't think that gazelles impute wild cats to eating the weaker and slower gazelles - otherwise gazelles wouldn't live in the wilderness... I don't think either that gazelles blame other gazelles like this: "I couldn't run faster because you were before me" - otherwise they wouldn't live in droves...

All what gazelles can do is to improve... No one has seen gazelles provoking wild cats so that the wild cats chase them as a kind of training... No one has seen gazelles exploring grazing grounds on the other side of a river where wild cats cannot reach them... However gazelles are motivated to improve and what they can change in the easiest way is their thinking...

The secret service of humans is our heart... If you don't search for relationships with other humans or if you don't listen to the signs from others then your heart is useless... But if you let God control your heart with His endless wisdom and love and if you let your neighbors control your heart with their endless needs and weeknesses then your heart is going to guide you closer to Heaven...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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