2013. március 24., vasárnap

New Concorde - Inner Values

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Becoming glorious seems to be relatively easy... Who must be closest to the fire?

a) by work
b) by wonder
c) by birth
d) home god
e) the Holy Spirit
f) by speed
g) by sea level
h) by art
i) small presents
j) elected guru
k) personal assistant
l) charitable guru
m) invited guru
n) one-hit-wonder
o) 24/7 service
p) wife
q) talkative minority

Compared to these possibilities, the previously announced "big tasks of mankind" seem to be miserly... It is true that everybody wants to do intellectual work and that everybody wants to know all results (the end result or the essence are already enough) - so you need big projects... However being similar to God (in terms of communication, health, power or colours) is already given...

You need some new big tasks... For example: becoming like ACME - without expecting a miracle...

The methods (exploration of nature and working on intellectual products) are o.k. In the pictures: the Grand Palace Hotel Potala, Lhasa...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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