2013. március 7., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Being Stupid

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Suppose you fly by a hypersonic jet from Paris to New York... Maybe such hyper-jets exist already, maybe not... It must be a huge disappointment when you expect a hypersonic flight and you travel on a conventional subsonic aircraft instead... If nobody wants to deceive you then the difference between expectation and reality must occur because time passes by slower in inertial systems traveling at very high speeds than in inertial systems standing compared to them...

The question is when do you arrive in New York? Do you fly at the speed of the aircraft for outer observers or do you fly at the speed that you experience? Let's say the flight starts at 9.00 AM and it takes one hour... That means you arrive in New York at 10.00 AM according to Western European time and 5.00 AM according to New York time... However if you experience a flight of 10 hours then you arrive in New York at 19.00 PM according to Western European time and 14.00 PM according to New York time - still good...

Opinions on Concorde vary as well: " Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 2 hours..." "Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 3 hours..." "Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 5 hours..." Of course, you lose your interest in technological marvels after a while...

And then, when you are questioned when your next airplane (with the fluttering wings) departs you can answer: "I think I have one more hour left..." Which is sexual...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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