2013. március 2., szombat

Expectations From Hydrogen

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is March 2nd 2013 and the Sun is bursting already very intensely - especially compared to the long winters of the previous years... You may think that the greenhouse-effect is going to destroy life on Earth... With 10 billion humans on the planet this fear might grow huge in a person and you may think that most of the earthly population consists of monsters...

We know already that we have nearly endless amounts of crude oil as it is being reproduced at the sea-shores continuously... However the interaction of humans with nature may lead to a natural disaster in the atmosphere... You call such situations "the over-thriving of nature" - for example when a house close to the jungle is abandoned and being destroyed by the plants...

Obviously, the beginning with the hydrogen-business was a solution for the problem... The usage of hydrogen in vehicles in industrial quantities could reduce greenhouse-effect and the temperature of the atmosphere... The production of hydrogen and its usage would create an artificial environment but you believe that humans have got a place on Earth - this time because they have to tame the forces of nature...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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