2013. március 31., vasárnap

Open Letter To Milla Jovovich

Dear Milla,

How can you recognise an enemy?

a) he is overwhelmingly attractive to you,
b) still he is less and less available to you sexually,
c) because he has got many other sexual affairs (that's why he can be so calm)...

Obviously you are not going to share your fortune with an enemy... What kind of attacks can you expect from an enemy?

a) defamation of character (you are not a social being),
b) disturbing your privacy,
c) sabotage of your work (he doesn't want to cooperate with you),
d) theft (for example data, technology etc.),
e) he wants you to commit suicide
f) sexual assault (against your former friends, they want to turn the police into enemies) and
g) who knows?

God be with you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 30., szombat

Nice To Meet You

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the future, I obviously won't work so much and I will deal much more with representation, respectively... That means the next:

a) church ceremonies,
b) state parties and
c) royal hunts...

Of course, I am going to spend much more time with my children, too:

a) preparation for church ceremonies,
b) children's parties and
c) royal hunts...

I would like to call your attention to the following: if anybody lives the life outlined above then he is not me... I have found out a very simple rule for the regulation of the representative work of my family members: one event - one week... Instead of hunting I like:

a) factory visits,
b) going to the movies,
c) excursions to nature,
d) visiting art galleries etc.

Furthermore I would like to learn foreign languages...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 28., csütörtök

New Concorde - Not Out Of The Blue

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is for sure already that New Concorde comes with a Blueprint Interior as well... In this connection, indigo blue represents classical elegance and traditional engineering...

For more information on Indigo visit: Wikipedia

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Reassuring Music For The King Of The Sun

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have got a theory about freedom...

1) You cannot list how much you can be thankful for to your parents... They give you food, they give you a home and they make possible that you attend school - that is freedom, obviously...

2) A psychotherapist gives you more freedom than your parents intellectually and emotionally... Because he or she treats you like a grown-up...

3) A friend or a spouse gives you more freedom than a psychotherapist... For example you can touch my chest or you can drive my car... I have the feeling that friends give you the possibility to work and thus to love...

4) Naturally, you can expect the most freedom from God...

I would like to mention here that I am not going to sign everything subsequently... Most importantly I dislike the lack of verbal communication and the solutions based on it... I'm afraid I cannot get rid of this nature of mine...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Nurse - You Must Be Joking

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I cannot tell you enough how dangerous ditches are - there are still people who like them... Perhaps because they are free of charge... Actually I am very much interested in the new and electronic version of ditches, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 26., kedd

Strike A Pose

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My regular readers know that I want to marry Madonna, the world-famous superstar... Why is this not allowed?

1) The Law On Junk makes possible that the music channel MTV is not viewable...

2) The Law On Protection Of Wealth forbids that Madonna marries me: she must marry someone who is similar to her (she is rich, successful and beautiful)...

3) Why am I schizophrenic? Because I don't respect law...

4) The Law On Protection Of Workforce prescribes that soldiers and the Wolfinger-Boeing family have to be disguised...

5) The Constitution forbids that because of only a few persons you change many laws (Madonna and me are only 2 persons)...

The picture below displays Madonna at home, in an unconstrained way and without a piece of protective clothing...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Joseph The Great

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My beloved father entrusted me with finding out an investment for our family fortune... I am done!

I think we could invest a part of the wealth in people... That means we could pay the following costs of everybody:

a) heating (see below),
b) little security box,
c) free sauna for all and
d) food...

According to me, it makes more sense to keep buildings continuously warm in the heating season than heat up the buildings and allow them to cool down each day... At least, warm buildings must be a more pleasant experience than partially warm or too warm buildings... Of course, consistently warm buildings crumble less than ones that move more because of thermal expansion... And you even don't know how long this winter is going to last...

Home-made cake is better than cake out of the store!

Best wishes, Bela de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 25., hétfő

Open Letter To Jesus Christ

Dear Jesus,

What can you start with your money? (I think you have to deal a little with your money because otherwise it only becomes less...)

1) You should buy for sure:

a) a new palace (for fun),
b) 2 private jets and
c) a huge yacht...

2) Then you should invest up to 10% of your fortune... I think the "big tasks of mankind" are a very interesting purpose for your money...

3) Then you can even decide over the further future of this wealth... For example your children would be surely happy over it...

Thank you very much!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 24., vasárnap

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce March 24th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The new big tasks of mankind are listed up below... Due to the difficult circumstances, you can choose 2 - 5 tasks for yourself each until you can deal with nearly all tasks...

a) nice language,
b) sports,
c) life of prayer,
d) fashion,
e) looking at the results of the buggies,
f) environmental protection,
g) preparing the return of Jesus Christ,
h) preparing resurrection,
i) establishing the new kingdom,
j) charity water, charity Maybach and charity UNICEF,
k) video chat,
l) regular work...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

New Concorde - Inner Values

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Becoming glorious seems to be relatively easy... Who must be closest to the fire?

a) by work
b) by wonder
c) by birth
d) home god
e) the Holy Spirit
f) by speed
g) by sea level
h) by art
i) small presents
j) elected guru
k) personal assistant
l) charitable guru
m) invited guru
n) one-hit-wonder
o) 24/7 service
p) wife
q) talkative minority

Compared to these possibilities, the previously announced "big tasks of mankind" seem to be miserly... It is true that everybody wants to do intellectual work and that everybody wants to know all results (the end result or the essence are already enough) - so you need big projects... However being similar to God (in terms of communication, health, power or colours) is already given...

You need some new big tasks... For example: becoming like ACME - without expecting a miracle...

The methods (exploration of nature and working on intellectual products) are o.k. In the pictures: the Grand Palace Hotel Potala, Lhasa...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 23., szombat

You Are Homosexual Heaven (To Me)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfortunately I did not get the above message... Perhaps it is too naive to believe that it is going to be handed over by my Personal Prison Guard...

The pictures show approx. what I got...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 21., csütörtök

The Magic Of Aston Martin March 22nd 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tactless questions that change the world:

a) Does a psychotherapist have emotions?
b) How did you become a Pope?
c) Are you bothered as a King by the people?
d) What is the next invention after the automobile?
e) What is most difficult for a humorist?
f) Which branch of the Military should help you?
g) It is not a problem if I light a cigarette, is it?
h) Why should cars be fuelled by hydrogen?
i) Do you have any ideas for the next Windows?
j) How about a video chat?
k) Do you like the new livery of Air Force One?
l) Who is going to pay, sir or madam?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Air Mail

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to add to a previous Blog Post that nature and natural occurrences, respectively cover really the broadest spectrum... You cannot only explore the sand or the grass or the atmosphere but very seldom even faith becomes a natural phenomenon... It sometimes happens that surprises descend from Heaven: holy books, swords, goblets or doves... It is most interesting that these surprises are the result of the faith of a country...

So science that always functions and its products that should be mostly intellectual cannot be so horrible either...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 20., szerda

Easter In Denver

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The subject of this year's Easter could be: the hope of resurrection, through history and human life...

The Easter rabbit promises to be a project for many years to come... Sure is sure: the Easter rabbit is the fellow of Santa Claus... One idea: all the American children's cartoon movie heroes are related to the Easter rabbit - vitality, fun, colours and victory over the evil...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 19., kedd

Sky And Earth

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Actually it is difficult to say how can our comfortable earthly life be harmonised by interstellar space research... You are longing both for cars, trains or airplanes and the beautiful research spacecraft... In my opinion all inventions are there to make our earthly life better so interstellar research spacecraft also have the meaning to make earthly life and life on other planets better...

Let's see some details of the connection of space research and everyday life:

a) Space research this far has gone the right way when it tried to answer the question how could the results of space research be used in our everyday life on Earth... According to me, there won't be changes in this practice in the future either...

b) I think that the big questions of mankind can be answered by interstellar space research... Because nature that can be explored on Earth and on other inhabited planets is limited however nature that can be explored in outer space is endless...

c) I don't think that you can collect any more objects in a household... That means the solutions of the big problems of mankind rather should be intellectual products...

(The title is based on a Hungarian children's book of the same title...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 18., hétfő

New Concorde - Vogue

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Berta Wolfinger-Boeing: Vogue

What are you looking at?

Strike a pose
Strike a pose

Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
Vogue, Vogue, Vogue

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go
(go look around)
You would try everything you can to escape
The pain of life that you know
(life that you know)
When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for so

Come on, Vogue, Vogue
Let your body move to the music
(move to the music)
Hey hey hey
Come on, Vogue, Vogue
Let your body go with the flow
(go with the flow)
You know you can do it

All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for
(that's what it's for)
Go inside for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door
(open up the door)
It makes no difference if you're black or white
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's swamping it will give you new life
You're a superstar,
yes that's what you are, you know it,

Come on, Vogue Vogue
Let your body groove to the music
(groove to the music)
Hey hey hey
Come on, Vogue, Vogue
Let your body go with the flow
(go with the flow)
You know you can do it

Beauty's where you find it
Not just where you found it grinding
Soul is in the musical
That's why I feel so beautiful
Magical, let's suppose
So get up on the dance floor
Let your body move to the music
(move to the music)
Hey, hey, hey
Come on, Vogue, Vogue
Let your body go with the flow
(go with the flow)
You know you can do it
Vogue (Vogue)

Beauty's where you find it
(move to the music)
Vogue, (Vogue)
Beauty's where you find it
(go with the flow)
Greta Garbo and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine
Grace Kelly, Harlow Jean,
Picture of a beauty queen
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire,
Ginger Rodgers danced on air
They had style, they had grace
Rita Hayworth gave good face
Lauren, Katherine, Lana too
Bette Davis we love you
Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
(move to the music)
Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
(go with the flow)
Oooh, you've got to
Let your body move to the music
Oooh, you've got to just
Let your body go with the flow
Oooh, you've got to just
Vogue, Vogue, Vogue

Lyrics from: elyrics.net

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - The Fog

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I promise that I don't write any more on the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental or Freighter... The marvellous airplane flies its own ways, it is beloved and, of course, fully reliable... I hope that you more and more often meet the Queen of the Skies at airports around the world... I also hope that I own a couple of the VIP-version in the future...

Why am I giving up the subject that made me so popular? Because I believe that I am needed elsewhere...

Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Serves 100th Airport - Mar 18, 2013

Fairy Tale About The Magic Forest

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, the 3 billionaires, Röfi, Töfi and Böfi were walking on a flowery meadow in spring until they found an inscription: DENTISTRY...

As they were waiting for the treatment Röfi said: "The Hungarians have totally found their identity..."

Töfi: "Hi-hi-hi-hi-hi..."

Böfi: "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 16., szombat

Fairy Tale About Strong Artistic Effects

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, the 3 billionaires, Röfi, Töfi and Böfi were talking about their lives...

Röfi: "I have just bought a new Porsche..."

Töfi: "What colour?"

Böfi: "My grand-father is Adolf Hitler..."


Röfi: "Red..."

Töfi: "You must be kidding..."

Böfi: "No, really..."


Röfi: "Your grand-father will have to change much... In a positive way..."

Töfi: "Your grand-mother will have to change much as well..."

Böfi: "Thank you..."

Our next story is going to lead us to a flowery meadow in spring...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 9., szombat


Ladies and Gentlemen,

In some respect the territory of the USA is a very complicated living place because a half of it is covered by high mountains... It can be used neither for the purposes of agriculture nor for establishing cities - except for Denver...

I think that skyscrapers are the ideal buildings for such difficult terrain as well... Skyscrapers have got a relatively small building area - that means you don't have to work so much in the mountainside... Mountains consist of rocks - that means they are the best foundation... Otherwise skyscrapers could accommodate all parts of a city: apartments, offices, shopping malls etc.

The next question is how can you connect the constituent skyscrapers in the Rocky Mountains? The answer is the lots of work on the infrastructure of the road system that pays off... Finally you don't know how to connect the entire area of the Rocky Mountains to the rest of the world... I'm afraid that you cannot build big international airports among high mountains - so only railways can be built until the lowlands or to the large valleys... (You might not like high-speed trains - but you are going to like them when you know them better...)

Or you can expand wire cables among the skyscrapers and slide from building to building... Visit: SkyscraperPage.com

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

One Step Closer To Space Research

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to explain to you the "End of the World Rear Light..." As you know interstellar spacecraft can be forced to braking by a braking light that is nothing but an everyday source of light outside of the spacecraft simulates the nearness of a planetary system... The "End of the World Rear Light" is meant to brake my intellectual activity that was able to be a burden to the outer world and kind of unhealthy to me...

It is also possible that all of the biogenic matter in the orbit of the stone planets of the solar system comes from the exploded planet Phaeton... Earth was saved by its magnetic field, Mars as well that is naturally a desert but Venus and Mercury are heated up by the debris in their orbit...

Viewing options:

b) JC Chasez

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 8., péntek

You Are American And You Are Super-intelligent

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is already a sign when you like "Charlie's Angels - The Movie..."

American life:

a) What's new about the Dreamliner?
b) What's new about Maggie?
c) You ram a glass door but then you open it...
d) How unique is a cell?
e) Does anybody take notices?

Conventional life:

As you would imagine...

Hungary is very similar to the USA according to me...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Only Give Yourself

Ladies and Gentlemen,

suus 'discerpens cor meum
cum praesens sum apud vos
quando autem nos sunt absque
ego id sentio
et non referre, quid ego facere
sentio dolorem
cum vel sine vobis

infantem ego non intellego
unde non solum amantes
rerum sunt exire foras manu
vos tendo nimium
sed infantem possumus non lucror

si vis puella
me scire
ego autem deorsum in genua mea
non possum accipere eam amplius

suus 'discerpens cor meum
cum praesens sum apud vos
quando autem nos sunt absque
ego id sentio
et non referre, quid ego facere
sentio dolorem
cum vel sine vobis

infantem non recte sentientibus
quid conabor, ut nuntiarem tibi
in angulo mentis meae
infantem vos sentio ut si concurrentibus vobis e tempore

dimittite eam ut vadat
si vis puella
me scire
ego autem deorsum in genua mea
non possum accipere eam amplius

suus 'discerpens cor meum
cum praesens sum apud vos
quando autem nos sunt absque
ego id sentio
et non referre, quid ego facere
sentio dolorem
cum vel sine vobis

Best wishes, Eucalyptus

2013. március 7., csütörtök


Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this Blog Post I collected some Maybach humour such as my ideas for an update of the Maybach interior... I have the feeling that the official website of the Maybach Manufacture is remaining online, at least because of me...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Being Stupid

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Suppose you fly by a hypersonic jet from Paris to New York... Maybe such hyper-jets exist already, maybe not... It must be a huge disappointment when you expect a hypersonic flight and you travel on a conventional subsonic aircraft instead... If nobody wants to deceive you then the difference between expectation and reality must occur because time passes by slower in inertial systems traveling at very high speeds than in inertial systems standing compared to them...

The question is when do you arrive in New York? Do you fly at the speed of the aircraft for outer observers or do you fly at the speed that you experience? Let's say the flight starts at 9.00 AM and it takes one hour... That means you arrive in New York at 10.00 AM according to Western European time and 5.00 AM according to New York time... However if you experience a flight of 10 hours then you arrive in New York at 19.00 PM according to Western European time and 14.00 PM according to New York time - still good...

Opinions on Concorde vary as well: " Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 2 hours..." "Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 3 hours..." "Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 5 hours..." Of course, you lose your interest in technological marvels after a while...

And then, when you are questioned when your next airplane (with the fluttering wings) departs you can answer: "I think I have one more hour left..." Which is sexual...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. március 6., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Forgiveness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I heard the Boeing 747 is an aircraft that provides you with more pleasure when you fly it as a pilot than when you fly it as a passenger... Among what conditions does a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental make a sense?

a) You can buy the Boeing 747-8 Freighter and then the pilots both have joy and make themselves useful...
b) You can buy the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIP and thus you have a fancy mobile home...
c) You can buy the passenger version of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing if you want to become a superpower of aviation...
d) You can also say that 2 Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airplanes are enough for the entire nation...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

How Big Is A Thermonuclear Bomb

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think the size of a thermonuclear bomb depends only on the size of the nuclear bomb within... Because already 2 hydrogen atoms can merge if the circumstances force them...

How small can a nuclear bomb be? The critical mass is about the amount of plutonium that causes a nearly natural atomic explosion... Not natural means that you make a machine out of the plutonium and you ray it with neutrons... Or you let 2 atoms of plutonium collide with an immense power etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team