2012. május 31., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Cascade Of Fitness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Airbus is also dreaming: "The Fly Your Ideas challenge is part of Airbus’ Future by Airbus – a pioneering vision of sustainable aviation in 2050. University students of any nationality or discipline – from engineering to marketing; business to science; information technology to design – are invited to participate. Proposals must address the key issues facing the industry: Energy, Efficiency, Affordable Growth, Traffic Growth, Passenger Experience, or Community Friendliness." (Airbus)

By the way "passenger experience" and "community friendliness": a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental can carry in its passenger/airline version approx. 580 passengers in a 2-class-configuration... There is the business class for really frequent flyers and there is the economy class for passengers who fly on a holiday once a year... Don't tell me that you cannot take 10 to 15 hours traveling "coach" (as I read somewhere) on an outbound flight and on a returning flight - in a year...

If so much economy class is too much burden to you, if it is too exhausting and if you don't fit in an economy class seat then, I'm very sorry, you shouldn't leave home at all but you should drive to your physician... So a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental can carry 580 fit, healthy and strong passengers while its closest competitor carries 525 limp, spent and inert sluggards on an average... (I have heard this from my Mother...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 30., szerda

Maybe A Glass Of Milk

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Even if all life comes from God not everything good is a miracle in the world... There are good (useful, pleasant or constructive) things in the world that became so common and average during history that we call them "natural..." For example Amnesty International or different charities or air-conditioning are no wonders but they are "natural" already: they have a stable place in our culture, law system or economy...

However I think that everybody needs miracles in his or her life - just because we are unique... Most often we can live on natural and good things but everybody has got quite individual problems, too - for which we need individual solutions... And an individual solution for a situation that has never been seen before and that is completely new in the world is called a miracle - according to our faith...

Mr. Michael Jackson died at loneliness although friends and family belong to the most natural things in the world... He used to complain for approx. 30 years about being lonely - noone really listened to him... Poor, poor Mr. Michael Jackson...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 27., vasárnap

Bill (On The Papal Credit) As Of May 27th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Papal credit points are given to all members of the church (that means both to grown-ups and to minors) on the following occasions:

a) on Sundays (10 times as many points as on other occasions),
b) on each holiday of the historical churches,
c) on weddings and uniting households,
d) on personal birthdays,
e) on every weekend you spend alone (10 times as many points as usually),
f) on every day on which you are physically sick,
g) for weeks when you use public transport (including car-sharing) instead of individual transport,
h) for financing presents up to 100%,
i) for the final exam (10 times as many points as usually) and
j) for attending divines of any historical church...

2) Papal credit points are worth of just as much as stately credit points...

3) Papal credit points are transferred to your bank account after registering with any historical church...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 25., péntek

Theories On Infinity May 26th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When I was a boy and a new supreme class car jam-packed with luxuries was introduced people were impressed - however most people in Eastern Europe traveled by train only and children in Africa and Roumania starved...

Nowadays a fancy car doesn't create such a big rumour as before - but rather compact or mini cars or alternative drive trains... I think this is because people are more and more able to afford individual traffic, world-wide... And this tendency is in accordance with the United Nations development goal to fight extreme poverty and with the appearance of developing and emerging economies...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 23., szerda

Uncompulsory. Uncar.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Some members of the church are as modest actually as to ride a bycicle in urban areas instead of a car - when the weather allows it... The Smart eBike seems to be fit for all spiritual levels and can make all spiritual levels fit...

Sales managers of a really big faith could also try to sell this marvel in China or in emerging markets...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 22., kedd

Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric - In The City

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let's say you can leave behind on an average 30 kms in the city (the most jammed urban area) in an hour by a Rolls-Royce 102 EX - fully without emissions and noise... The results can be seen in the following chart:

10 minutes = 5 kms
20 minutes = 10 kms
30 minutes = 15 kms
40 minutes = 20 kms etc.

If you want to travel faster in a city you have to take the public traffic, for example the subway... I think the above chart helps you a lot decide if you want to buy an electric Phantom or not...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 21., hétfő

Working Without Failures

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Looking back on the truly interesting history of Mercedes-Benz (with my very limited knowledge) I couldn't mention any serious failures during the development of the label... Of course, some models were called outrageous - but they are excitement by today...

a) The A-class with a sandwich-floor: it was the first compact car of a luxury label and its ingenious concept lives on both with Mercedes-Benz ("energy space" or Smart) and many other brands...

b) The S-class of the 1990's (W140): the largest S-class ever, the first S-class in Europe with a diesel engine, the first S-class with a V12 engine - it is technological development if you can pack all of its luxury in a smaller car body, too...

c) The Maybach models: the Maybach Manufacture had to be closed because of the sensational lack of interest - but I think the few people who bought a Maybach must be very satisfied with their unique car, and that's what luxury marques are all about...

Everything else was a loud success, an automotive legend and a milestone of technology... There must be many factors of Mercedes-Benz's capability to work without failures - let's see some of them:

a) INNOVATIVE SPIRIT: there are inventions without end that were first available with Mercedes-Benz - and if you implement the technologies of the future in a car then the car is going to be durable, too...

b) TRADITIONAL QUALITY: quality seems to be still more important for Mercedes-Benz than the number of vehicles sold - the relatively high prices reflect this design philosophy...

c) TRADITIONAL LUXURY: a Mercedes-Benz has to be among the most luxurious and comfortable cars in a very sharp competition for customers - however if you buy such a prestigeous and valuable vehicle you also try to take best care of it, that means the customers of Mercedes-Benz are also selected car fanatics...

Obviously there is much to learn from the Daimler PLC...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Theories On Infinity May 21st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"The world is a dream of God," this imagination was already there in Ancient Egypt... (Meaning that God is more real than the world by the way...)

I would turn around the philosophy: God is a dream of the world... Now are we not allowed to have dreams either? Cannot we strive for elevated ideas and for a world that is getting better and better? (Mankind always makes its dreams real by the way...)

This way of thinking might be useful, too... Because we, humans always create gods (this belongs to our nature so to say) - in terms of Titanic, nuclear power plants or Elvis Presley for example... We should be aware of this tendency and dream of a real God... Of course, everybody has got the freedom to choose his or her God...

My God is Jesus Christ...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Theories On Infinity May 21st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Domestic animals have got a few common attributes:

a) they are useful in many ways,
b) they don't eat each other either,
c) they are very often white...

How did mankind succeed in taming them?

Domestic plants also have got a few common attributes:

a) they are not really there in nature,
b) they are not toxic and
c) they have unusually big fruits...

How did mankind succeed in finding such mutants?

I have the feeling that domestic plants and animals are a present of God...

Humans also have got some significant differences from animals:

a) humans build machines,
b) human culture products (language, science and arts) are abstract and
c) humans can survive in outer space...

How did mankind succeed in all the above without a purpose?

I have the feeling that human purposes are similar to the infinity of God...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 18., péntek

12 Apostles Cathedral In Denver

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A friend of mine and me designed a cathedral to my Papal Residence in Denver... The cathedral is decorated by 12 thermonuclear power plants in the outside - which are meant to symbolize the power of God and the 12 Apostles, respectively... So the complex of buildings says that the power of God manifests not at least in the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in discipleship... In the middle you can find a classical cathedral of a contemporary design and in front of the cathedral there is a huge yard surrounded by evergreen trees from Italy...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 16., szerda

Multi-Religion Monastery Concept

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I transformed my concept of a children's camp of NASA into a multi-religion monastery... The monastery is meant for preparations of the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ - children should remain home until then...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Rolls-Royce Shadow Concept Car

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why don't Rolls-Royce produce a really very small city-mini-car, too? Just like the Daimler PLC produces the ingenious Smart label or Aston Martin produces the Cygnet model - they are everything but awkward...

a) It is getting more and more difficult to drive in the jammed cities of 21st Century - city-mini-cars are an ingenious solution for individual mobility and Rolls-Royce cannot ignore ingenious solutions either...

b) A real city-mini-car could provide with the opportunity to introduce and to collect new drive-train technologies - while the traditional Rolls-Royce models could represent traditions... A city-mini-car could be even popular - the expectations may be different...

c) A city-mini-car of Rolls-Royce could feature ALL attributes of a Rolls-Royce - because being "rare" is not the same as "to disappear entirely" in an Earth population of 10 billion humans and more...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 13., vasárnap

Theories On Infinity May 13th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

So how can you sustain the eternal fire of the spirit in human beings? I think you need:

1) more charities, more ceremonies and more conversation,

2) more poverty, more wisdom and more repentance,

3) a more dynamic and efficient leading model, more democracy and team-work such as more prayers and peace...

If you want to sustain the above the Church has to impose all taxes and the King has to sustain the stately administration - because he is very rich... (This system is not as new...)

"Don't give up the hope - let me be the Pope!" (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 12., szombat

The Pope In 21st Century

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think the Pope has got functions in the Roman Catholic Church that make his service even in 21st Century exciting and dazzling...

1) People often complain that you cannot see God by eyes... Of course, in terms of Jesus Christ even this wish of mankind came true - God became visible... However the head of the Roman Catholic Church is like God by definition - that means he also makes God visible... What's more he talks to the believers and the believers can talk to him, too...

2) Of course, it is another task of the Pope to protect the Lord Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ is a human being, too that's why He needs much support and service, respectively: food, clothes, accommodation etc.

3) Finally the Pope should reflect the Holy Spirit as well: he should deal with actual questions, he should encourage the believers to love and to conversation and he should support the development of mankind - just like all Popes I know...

So I think the institution of the popery is fit for 21st Century and beyond - fit for Heaven...

Check out Wikipedia on The Pope !

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. május 11., péntek

"Somewhere Rich" (SATC 2)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Being Malaysian always must be fun, trend but also responsibility... Malaysia must experience especially solemn times nowadays as the fleet of Malaysia Airlines is going to be extended by 6 beautiful and new Airbus A380s...

People who read my Blogs more often must know that I am basically an enthousiast of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental... Still the abundant space, luxury and comfort of the Airbus A380 also have to be acknowledged and with the happiness over the new Superjumbos I also feel a little bit Malaysian...

These 6 marvelous very large airplanes can contribute to the economical growth, to the cultural development and to the worldwide prestige of Malaysia... I think "emerging regions" are good for the entire world - and it is probably the best way of emerging if you achieve it by the integration into the new and global community of mankind...

God bless Malaysia!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team