2014. január 11., szombat

The Roles Of Genders In 21st Century

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is a theory about men being more sufficient for spaceflights than women - here you have the proof of it:

Nr. 1: Yuri Gagarin, 1961

Nr. 2: Gherman Titov, 1961

Nr. 6: Valentina Tereshkova, 1963

When it is about ISS receiving the Nobel Price, when not only stately space agencies but private space ventures regularly reach Earth's orbit and at the dawn of manned deep space exploration human capabilities are a question again because it is already about delivering masses of humans into space... When you choose a greater number of astronauts who live and work in outer space you must not commit big failures again...

Here you have a picture of Mrs. Natalie Portman who is clearly awaiting a better theory on men and women in space or who has got probably a better explanation of men winning the race towards space...

One of my brothers was out there in space twice...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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