2014. január 30., csütörtök

STATE-OF-THE-ART - January 30th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why am I going to love the USA, approx. in the upcoming 100 years? The answers have been collected through the surveying of US American citizens and of their expectations from the future of the USA...

1) The USA should be the home of superstars... It has to be mentioned that the States can be protected very well from a military point of view...

2) US American citizens would like to have as few factories in the USA as possible (in order to reach that goal, high-capacity factories are acceptable to them)... US Americans want to be office workers, either at home or at an office building...

3) Antarctica should be a piece of dry land that belongs to the USA - in that case if Antarctica can be de-iced... The USA is ready to pay a symbolic price to the traditional owner of Antarctica, while Australia can be returned to the Northern European Cottages after 100 years of being lent to the USA...

4) Single and unmarried, respectively women want to have the rights of a whole family (mostly to be able to have well-chosen husbands) and they want to have the right of founding a company on their own (on the emotional grounds of working for the future)...

5) If a young man cannot find a boy-friend as long as 2 years then the state of emergency has to be declared in the USA...

6) US Americans want to pay 30% of their salaries for Africa so that the circumstances of life become there much better than they are now... US Americans mean so big burdens do good to a personality...

7) US Americans want some continuous good mood in the USA as it was good for your security, your health and your work... Interstellar research spacecraft, working places that allow this and gay saunas could be areas to realise this good mood... Instead of a central and institutional solution it would be perhaps the most fair to your human environment to achieve some good mood on one's own... This is how the USA was able to be more joy to its citizens... If US Americans want to drive away some big depression and boredom from their lives because of the lack of adventures in one's life then you can let science determine our adventures...

8) The USA is ready to offer its heavy weaponry and its production capacity of heavy weaponry to all other nations of Planet Earth - for the common protection of Earth, mostly against attacks from space... No other countries would be allowed to produce any weapons on Earth except for the USA... The most intelligent and most reliable heavy weaponry of the USA could mean maximum peace to Earth and maximum protection to Earth as well...

9) American believers know the concept of a "living saint" which has been impossible to Roman Catholics this far... American theology also knows the concept of a person possessed by the devil in a way that his or her destiny cannot be returned any more, such devil-possessed persons are subject to death penalty...

10) Except for the Lord Jesus Christ and Joseph Khan there isn't any other occurrence of God living in a human body... This can be explained by an elementary particle being able to be there at 2 different places at the same time - but at no more places than 2...

11) It is very impolite to mention in the presence of the above 2 persons of a double quality that they are God... Madonna has told on television that Joseph Khan was God...

12) Jesus Christ and Joseph Khan may own everything, so some money as well however they have to be serviced at all stores, restaurants, sports facilities and movie theatres for free...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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