2014. január 28., kedd

Boeing 747-400ER - For Mothers' Day

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing 747-400ER is still an airliner in demand as it is large, fast, fuel-efficient, reliable and affordable... However I think that the main engines of the Boeing 747-400ER can earn much critics compared to modern turbofan jet engines... These old-design main engines are relatively loud, consume much fuel and their exhaust gases could be cleaner, too...

Simply because of the size of the old-design main engines I thought that they were probably able to be replaced by the CFM LEAP turbofan jet engine that was developed for the usage in modern single-aisle airplanes like the Boeing 737 MAX or the Airbus 320neo... A CFM LEAP engine is 40% quieter than its predecessor, it consumes 16% less fuel at much cleaner exhaust gases... All of these advantages of the CFM LEAP engine occur at a much smaller engine than the huge jet engine of a Jumbo Jet...

The CFM LEAP engine is cute, ultra-modern and it is a derivate of the main engines of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner... However its thrust was designed for the propulsion of smaller single-aisle airplanes that means it is much less than it is required from an engine of a Jumbo Jet... Expressed in numbers, a CFM LEAP engine develops 100 kN static thrust while an average engine of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing develops 270 kN of static thrust... Naturally, a Boeing 747-400 that is installed by 4 CFM LEAP engines should be able to fly without the trick of the winglets of the Boeing 737 MAX, too that means only by the power of its main engines...

A Boeing 747-400 that is equipped by 4 CFM LEAP engines could taxi at an airport by its own engine power but no one could expect the high-speed taxiing from it that is necessary before take-off... How could the engine power of a Boeing 747-400 that is equipped by 4 CFM LEAP engines be increased from the given 100 kN to the necessary 270 kN? (Engine lifts are heavy, they are complicated and they only increase engine power to its 2 times...) The only possibility in order to reach the same speed with a vehicle of a weaker engine as with a vehicle of a stronger engine is to install a gear box on the weaker vehicle...

I think you can maintain a gear box on the landing gear of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing... I imagine a gear box for the landing gear of a Boeing 747-400ER in terms of a device that brings the wheels of the landing gear in a slanting position before and during take-off... Or the wheels of the landing gear could be already installed in a slanting position as a durable and static solution... My computer promises that only 1/7 of the original power was necessary to realise high-speed taxiing with slanting wheels on the landing gear of a Jumbo Jet... That means the static thrust of 4 CFM LEAP engines was able to accelerate a Boeing 747-400ER to take-off speed...

In order to make flying in the air by a modernised Boeing 747-400ER more exciting and luxurious the super-winglets which were developed for the Boeing 737 MAX could be also used on the wing tips of the airliner such as the 4 CFM LEAP engines could be installed in the slanting position that was proven to be useful already on the Boeing 737 MAX, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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