2014. január 20., hétfő

Entirely New Rules In My Kingdoms After World War 3 - January 20th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If there is an "active evil" and the devil is a living creature, respectively then it can be supposed that is able to learn as well - just like all other living creatures... In that case it makes a sense to punish the devil seriously, too so that it learns that it is always punished by serious pains if it attacks any souls who believe in the One Almighty God...

I have gathered a couple of examples how the devil was able to be punished and be made more harmless, respectively:

1) Teaching of wars in the history class:

a) definition of war (2 lines in a school book)
b) the 10 most important wars of history (description of each of them by 1 sentence)

For example: "Ancient Greeks were mostly homosexuals, they created buildings in these 3 styles, they wrote these important dramas, they used to live in city states and they used to travel by ships all over the Mediterranean Sea... Why didn't they invent flying by machine power? Because their life was disturbed many times by wars (- see definition)..."

2) War criminals in history classes (and anywhere else either) cannot have a name...

For example: "World War 2 was caused by an incorporation of the devil and WW2 caused the death of many millions of innocent civilians in the middle of 20th Century..." "Before World War 2 giant ocean liners were invented, the automobile was invented, flying by machine power was invented and the television was invented, too..." "After World War 2 the nuclear reactor was spread for the industrial production of electricity and the age of space flights began..."

This rule targets that you cannot be famous or a historical personality by unleashing a war or by participating at it...

3) Extreme civil criminals must not have a name either...

For example: "Six wives of an English king were executed one after the other..." (It is far away from normal to have six wives executed...)

4) Any country that refuses to recognise a heterosexual or homosexual marriage and any country that refuses to provide with access to anybody who has got any property in this country to his or her property may receive full economical autonomy... That means this country doesn't have to trade with any other country on a planet or in space, it doesn't need to buy products of any foreign country or of any other planet and naturally, it doesn't have to allow its citizens to visit any foreign countries or any other planets...

The theory behind this rule is that if you face any terms of injustice then you have to suppose the national and international organised crime behind this injustice...

The full economical autonomy of a country lasts as long as the country is ready to recognise the by it criticised marriage or the by it denied material property...

5) If anybody refuses to talk to his or her spouse or to his or her homosexual friend whom he or she lives together with, when this person who refused talking during living together with his or her love affair wants to talk to the previously mentioned victim has to pay 10,000 Western Money Units to a charity each day as long as he or she wants to talk to the previously mentioned victim... Of course, the daily 10,000 Western Money Units must have a different source than the relationship of the victim and of the criminal...

The theory behind of this rule is that all wars begin in a family and that all conflicts are based not on talking...

6) All men who spend more money on their personal vehicle than on their children must be castrated... (Pocket money and anything else that is given or bought by the mother don't count in this connection as a spending on the children, the father must buy things personally...) This is because such men are obviously possessed by the devil...

7) Any woman (a professional in the area or psychology or psychiatry or a nonprofessional in the above mentioned areas) and any policeman who denies the mental sanity of a man who claims to have lost his wife or material property must be executed in a secret way however the execution must last at least as long as a week...

Between rule Nr. 4 and rule Nr. 7 you can choose...

Vengeance is mine, and recompense,for the time when their foot shall slip;for the day of their calamity is at hand,and their doom comes swiftly.                       Deuteronomy 32:35

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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