2014. január 25., szombat

Boeing 767 Intercity - Your Everyday Life With Boeing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have designed 3 enhancements for the Boeing 767 for the case that the mid-size passenger aircraft ever gets modernised... On long routes the Boeing 767 has got no chance against the Boeing 787 Dreamliner... However between not very distant city pairs the respectable cruising speed of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner may be a source of danger, especially in case of heavy air traffic...

Here you have my ideas for the improvement of the Boeing 767 in 3 areas:

1) Passenger appeal: by placing the flight deck in the middle of the fuselage, an exciting "Very First Class" could be installed on the Boeing 767 with forward-looking panoramic windows... On a flight between 2 cities passengers could admire the natural and artificial landscapes on the route...

2) Fuel economy: by using the same foldable wing tips as the Boeing 777X the Boeing 767 Intercity was able to fly only by one engine - you can reckon with half of the fuel consumption, half of any harmful emissions and half of the noise... However the Boeing 767 Intercity would still have 2 main engines maintained on its wings for the sake of security...

3) Aerodynamics: in the crown space of mid-size aircraft you cannot carry hand-luggage because the space is far too huge, but in the crown space of mid-size aircraft you cannot travel or sleep either like in the optional berths of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental because the space is too small for it... You could still let air stream into the crown space where it was forced to go through narrow passes where it became faster and thinner creating some additional uplift for the Boeing 767 Intercity... The additional uplift couldn't only contribute to the fuel-efficiency but to the manoeuvring capabilities of the aircraft, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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