2014. január 30., csütörtök

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - January 30th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to avoid too much irony in a connection with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, considering their lots of work during the design and development of a car, during the production of a car and because of the loving customer care... A Rolls-Royce is designed to be magical and it is magical, too... I only want to emphasize the human component of life, that of the life of Rolls-Royce owners, too...

Instead of many formalities I would like to write you on the 4 possibilities of paying the Old Wolfinger-Boeing Tax to the families...

1) In terms of cash...

2) In terms of the possibility to acquire greater land properties and greater resources of real estate...

3) In terms of the possibility of earning and storing money in outer space...

4) In terms of gold...

In a couple of decades there will be an immense gold storage in Australia called "Earth Citizens' Gold" or "People's Gold" - which is simply some booty of war and it is enough as an object of value for the entire planned Earth population of 1.6 Billion humans... I would like to formulate 3 rules in a connection with the above gold storage:

a) Naturally, you don't take away from the mounting gold even a little...

b) Still it is good and it makes you stronger to be backed by some gold reserves...

c) Money that is released based on the stored gold in Australia could be used for purposes that Earth citizens make a decision together about... So the stored gold in Australia could support earthly democracy and it could be a new expression of it...

I think those should be supported by some booty of war who were suffering from the war - and those are many millions of people...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

STATE-OF-THE-ART - January 30th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why am I going to love the USA, approx. in the upcoming 100 years? The answers have been collected through the surveying of US American citizens and of their expectations from the future of the USA...

1) The USA should be the home of superstars... It has to be mentioned that the States can be protected very well from a military point of view...

2) US American citizens would like to have as few factories in the USA as possible (in order to reach that goal, high-capacity factories are acceptable to them)... US Americans want to be office workers, either at home or at an office building...

3) Antarctica should be a piece of dry land that belongs to the USA - in that case if Antarctica can be de-iced... The USA is ready to pay a symbolic price to the traditional owner of Antarctica, while Australia can be returned to the Northern European Cottages after 100 years of being lent to the USA...

4) Single and unmarried, respectively women want to have the rights of a whole family (mostly to be able to have well-chosen husbands) and they want to have the right of founding a company on their own (on the emotional grounds of working for the future)...

5) If a young man cannot find a boy-friend as long as 2 years then the state of emergency has to be declared in the USA...

6) US Americans want to pay 30% of their salaries for Africa so that the circumstances of life become there much better than they are now... US Americans mean so big burdens do good to a personality...

7) US Americans want some continuous good mood in the USA as it was good for your security, your health and your work... Interstellar research spacecraft, working places that allow this and gay saunas could be areas to realise this good mood... Instead of a central and institutional solution it would be perhaps the most fair to your human environment to achieve some good mood on one's own... This is how the USA was able to be more joy to its citizens... If US Americans want to drive away some big depression and boredom from their lives because of the lack of adventures in one's life then you can let science determine our adventures...

8) The USA is ready to offer its heavy weaponry and its production capacity of heavy weaponry to all other nations of Planet Earth - for the common protection of Earth, mostly against attacks from space... No other countries would be allowed to produce any weapons on Earth except for the USA... The most intelligent and most reliable heavy weaponry of the USA could mean maximum peace to Earth and maximum protection to Earth as well...

9) American believers know the concept of a "living saint" which has been impossible to Roman Catholics this far... American theology also knows the concept of a person possessed by the devil in a way that his or her destiny cannot be returned any more, such devil-possessed persons are subject to death penalty...

10) Except for the Lord Jesus Christ and Joseph Khan there isn't any other occurrence of God living in a human body... This can be explained by an elementary particle being able to be there at 2 different places at the same time - but at no more places than 2...

11) It is very impolite to mention in the presence of the above 2 persons of a double quality that they are God... Madonna has told on television that Joseph Khan was God...

12) Jesus Christ and Joseph Khan may own everything, so some money as well however they have to be serviced at all stores, restaurants, sports facilities and movie theatres for free...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 28., kedd

Boeing 747-400ER - For Mothers' Day

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing 747-400ER is still an airliner in demand as it is large, fast, fuel-efficient, reliable and affordable... However I think that the main engines of the Boeing 747-400ER can earn much critics compared to modern turbofan jet engines... These old-design main engines are relatively loud, consume much fuel and their exhaust gases could be cleaner, too...

Simply because of the size of the old-design main engines I thought that they were probably able to be replaced by the CFM LEAP turbofan jet engine that was developed for the usage in modern single-aisle airplanes like the Boeing 737 MAX or the Airbus 320neo... A CFM LEAP engine is 40% quieter than its predecessor, it consumes 16% less fuel at much cleaner exhaust gases... All of these advantages of the CFM LEAP engine occur at a much smaller engine than the huge jet engine of a Jumbo Jet...

The CFM LEAP engine is cute, ultra-modern and it is a derivate of the main engines of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner... However its thrust was designed for the propulsion of smaller single-aisle airplanes that means it is much less than it is required from an engine of a Jumbo Jet... Expressed in numbers, a CFM LEAP engine develops 100 kN static thrust while an average engine of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing develops 270 kN of static thrust... Naturally, a Boeing 747-400 that is installed by 4 CFM LEAP engines should be able to fly without the trick of the winglets of the Boeing 737 MAX, too that means only by the power of its main engines...

A Boeing 747-400 that is equipped by 4 CFM LEAP engines could taxi at an airport by its own engine power but no one could expect the high-speed taxiing from it that is necessary before take-off... How could the engine power of a Boeing 747-400 that is equipped by 4 CFM LEAP engines be increased from the given 100 kN to the necessary 270 kN? (Engine lifts are heavy, they are complicated and they only increase engine power to its 2 times...) The only possibility in order to reach the same speed with a vehicle of a weaker engine as with a vehicle of a stronger engine is to install a gear box on the weaker vehicle...

I think you can maintain a gear box on the landing gear of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing... I imagine a gear box for the landing gear of a Boeing 747-400ER in terms of a device that brings the wheels of the landing gear in a slanting position before and during take-off... Or the wheels of the landing gear could be already installed in a slanting position as a durable and static solution... My computer promises that only 1/7 of the original power was necessary to realise high-speed taxiing with slanting wheels on the landing gear of a Jumbo Jet... That means the static thrust of 4 CFM LEAP engines was able to accelerate a Boeing 747-400ER to take-off speed...

In order to make flying in the air by a modernised Boeing 747-400ER more exciting and luxurious the super-winglets which were developed for the Boeing 737 MAX could be also used on the wing tips of the airliner such as the 4 CFM LEAP engines could be installed in the slanting position that was proven to be useful already on the Boeing 737 MAX, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 26., vasárnap

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - January 26th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why do I love the USA? I have collected a couple of reasons, without any pressure from outside, mostly for myself and with the purpose of increasing my consciousness in connection with my future...

a) crude oil resources,
b) vast agricultural areas,
c) endless forests of pine,
d) African Americans,
e) all kinds of industrial products,
f) American artworks,
g) space research and space industry,
h) the deserts from a respectful distance and the prairie (similar to: Pampas, Savannah, Steppe and Veld)
i) American and international food,
j) interior design of homes,
k) landscapes of skyscrapers,
l) the unexplainable freedom of American men,
m) American overseas territories,
n) for foreigners it is an eternal source of motivation...

Regarding the pictures on Madonna I would like to apologise for the confusion within my recent activity of web programming...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 25., szombat

Boeing 767 Intercity - Your Everyday Life With Boeing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have designed 3 enhancements for the Boeing 767 for the case that the mid-size passenger aircraft ever gets modernised... On long routes the Boeing 767 has got no chance against the Boeing 787 Dreamliner... However between not very distant city pairs the respectable cruising speed of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner may be a source of danger, especially in case of heavy air traffic...

Here you have my ideas for the improvement of the Boeing 767 in 3 areas:

1) Passenger appeal: by placing the flight deck in the middle of the fuselage, an exciting "Very First Class" could be installed on the Boeing 767 with forward-looking panoramic windows... On a flight between 2 cities passengers could admire the natural and artificial landscapes on the route...

2) Fuel economy: by using the same foldable wing tips as the Boeing 777X the Boeing 767 Intercity was able to fly only by one engine - you can reckon with half of the fuel consumption, half of any harmful emissions and half of the noise... However the Boeing 767 Intercity would still have 2 main engines maintained on its wings for the sake of security...

3) Aerodynamics: in the crown space of mid-size aircraft you cannot carry hand-luggage because the space is far too huge, but in the crown space of mid-size aircraft you cannot travel or sleep either like in the optional berths of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental because the space is too small for it... You could still let air stream into the crown space where it was forced to go through narrow passes where it became faster and thinner creating some additional uplift for the Boeing 767 Intercity... The additional uplift couldn't only contribute to the fuel-efficiency but to the manoeuvring capabilities of the aircraft, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 22., szerda

Present Continuous - January 23rd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me quote a commercial of the new Peugeot 308: "So that the route is more important than the destination..."

That means the French think the sea-shore or a castle next to the Loire are beautiful but driving on the highway is more beautiful before.... In fact they mean that if you have a car which is the most expensive object of value over a house or an apartment you can own then the experience within this car or during driving this car should be valuable and edifying, too...

Not to mention the whole of your life where times when you try to achieve something are very often more interesting than the result that you were working for - on a bigger scale...

Drive safely and drive on the right side (for Readers from the USA)...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 20., hétfő

Entirely New Rules In My Kingdoms After World War 3 - January 20th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If there is an "active evil" and the devil is a living creature, respectively then it can be supposed that is able to learn as well - just like all other living creatures... In that case it makes a sense to punish the devil seriously, too so that it learns that it is always punished by serious pains if it attacks any souls who believe in the One Almighty God...

I have gathered a couple of examples how the devil was able to be punished and be made more harmless, respectively:

1) Teaching of wars in the history class:

a) definition of war (2 lines in a school book)
b) the 10 most important wars of history (description of each of them by 1 sentence)

For example: "Ancient Greeks were mostly homosexuals, they created buildings in these 3 styles, they wrote these important dramas, they used to live in city states and they used to travel by ships all over the Mediterranean Sea... Why didn't they invent flying by machine power? Because their life was disturbed many times by wars (- see definition)..."

2) War criminals in history classes (and anywhere else either) cannot have a name...

For example: "World War 2 was caused by an incorporation of the devil and WW2 caused the death of many millions of innocent civilians in the middle of 20th Century..." "Before World War 2 giant ocean liners were invented, the automobile was invented, flying by machine power was invented and the television was invented, too..." "After World War 2 the nuclear reactor was spread for the industrial production of electricity and the age of space flights began..."

This rule targets that you cannot be famous or a historical personality by unleashing a war or by participating at it...

3) Extreme civil criminals must not have a name either...

For example: "Six wives of an English king were executed one after the other..." (It is far away from normal to have six wives executed...)

4) Any country that refuses to recognise a heterosexual or homosexual marriage and any country that refuses to provide with access to anybody who has got any property in this country to his or her property may receive full economical autonomy... That means this country doesn't have to trade with any other country on a planet or in space, it doesn't need to buy products of any foreign country or of any other planet and naturally, it doesn't have to allow its citizens to visit any foreign countries or any other planets...

The theory behind this rule is that if you face any terms of injustice then you have to suppose the national and international organised crime behind this injustice...

The full economical autonomy of a country lasts as long as the country is ready to recognise the by it criticised marriage or the by it denied material property...

5) If anybody refuses to talk to his or her spouse or to his or her homosexual friend whom he or she lives together with, when this person who refused talking during living together with his or her love affair wants to talk to the previously mentioned victim has to pay 10,000 Western Money Units to a charity each day as long as he or she wants to talk to the previously mentioned victim... Of course, the daily 10,000 Western Money Units must have a different source than the relationship of the victim and of the criminal...

The theory behind of this rule is that all wars begin in a family and that all conflicts are based not on talking...

6) All men who spend more money on their personal vehicle than on their children must be castrated... (Pocket money and anything else that is given or bought by the mother don't count in this connection as a spending on the children, the father must buy things personally...) This is because such men are obviously possessed by the devil...

7) Any woman (a professional in the area or psychology or psychiatry or a nonprofessional in the above mentioned areas) and any policeman who denies the mental sanity of a man who claims to have lost his wife or material property must be executed in a secret way however the execution must last at least as long as a week...

Between rule Nr. 4 and rule Nr. 7 you can choose...

Vengeance is mine, and recompense,for the time when their foot shall slip;for the day of their calamity is at hand,and their doom comes swiftly.                       Deuteronomy 32:35

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 19., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - This Is Sick

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to inform you about a possible new option for the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airliner: the transparent Entry Hall Fuel Tank...

Instead of the Front Desk within the Entry Hall of the airliner or instead of the drink bar of the Entry Hall of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing the fuel tank of the entire aircraft could be placed, with some transparency and instrumental feed-back, respectively on the volume of the total or remaining fuel onboard of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental... Passengers from all classes of the new Jumbo Jet could gather around the fuel tank for a jet fuel in terms of a crude oil product or of biofuel or the fuel tank for liquid hydrogen - and they could admire the fuel consumption of one of the greatest airliners of the world... I don't think anything else was able to sooth passengers as much as watching the always sumptuous quantity of the aircraft fuel and this reassuring effect could even attract new passengers to flying onboard of large aircraft...

In the pictures below you can see a somehow beautiful crude oil barrel and a high-tech liquid hydrogen tank of the Linde Gas PLC...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. január 11., szombat

The Roles Of Genders In 21st Century

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is a theory about men being more sufficient for spaceflights than women - here you have the proof of it:

Nr. 1: Yuri Gagarin, 1961

Nr. 2: Gherman Titov, 1961

Nr. 6: Valentina Tereshkova, 1963

When it is about ISS receiving the Nobel Price, when not only stately space agencies but private space ventures regularly reach Earth's orbit and at the dawn of manned deep space exploration human capabilities are a question again because it is already about delivering masses of humans into space... When you choose a greater number of astronauts who live and work in outer space you must not commit big failures again...

Here you have a picture of Mrs. Natalie Portman who is clearly awaiting a better theory on men and women in space or who has got probably a better explanation of men winning the race towards space...

One of my brothers was out there in space twice...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team