2014. február 28., péntek

New Concorde - For Nearly 400 Passengers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My enthusiasm in the previous Blog Post came a little bit too early because Concorde has not been a better airplane in its main characteristics by now than a Boeing 737 MAX: both airplanes have got approx. the same passenger capacity, the same cruising speed and a very similar fuel consumption...

Concorde could be improved by a couple of old and new elements of design:

a) super-cruise capability (the afterburners function after Mach 1.7 as air-breathing rocket engines),
b) a longer fuselage before the delta-wings (10 additional meters) and
c) larger windows in terms of "balcony doors" (narrow and high)...

A double-bubble concept seemed to me unpretty - because it really looked like 2 needles... Instead I would extend the aircraft by an upper deck in terms of a delta shaped wing... This upper deck could provide with additional uplift if strong enough, with exceptionally much view forward (just like the bow of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing, only bigger) and with much sunshine or starlight because of its side walls made of glass... Underneath of the main deck I could imagine a downer deck, too as a Concorde stands in a great hight so that there was probably some place for a downer deck, too... This downer deck also had side walls made of glass for a beautiful panoramic view and it would contribute to the uplift of the airplane as a huge hot air balloon such as by some lifting-body effect because of its flat belly...

When I mention "glass" above I rather mean some plexi-glass and even more a transparent version of the carbon-fibre reinforced plastic which the best-selling Boeing 787 Dreamliner is made of... This transparent carbon-fibre plastic would make the new decks light and strong and would provide with full visibility to the outside, too - according to my imagination...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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