2014. február 26., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Freighter - The Launch Vehicle Of 21st Century?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to write to you some space-news in brief... The Sierra Nevada Space Corporation (a private space venture) is currently developing a new Space Shuttle which is much smaller than the STS-System that was in service from 1980 to 2011 as it is only meant to lift astronauts to an Earth orbit (7 ones anyway)... The new Space Shuttle of the Sierra Nevada Space Corporation called Dream Chaser is planned to be launched to orbit by space rockets of NASA (not only one rocket type fits) within the scope of NASA's space program of the upcoming decades... The first 4 launches of the Dream Chaser are planned for the year 2017... This cute little space shuttle will be a part of NASA's space program next to NASA's own space capsule called Orion which is designed to reach even Moon and Mars beyond Earth's orbit...

How does the Boeing 747-8 Freighter come into picture? The large freighter airplane which can carry 140,000 kgs of cargo could be installed a truss on its back for the transportation of a Dream Chaser space shuttle (weight: 11,300 kgs) with the necessary rocket that accelerated the space shuttle from the back of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing into a low Earth orbit... That way a fully reusable aircraft could be the first stage of the space flight of the Dream Chaser, launches could be perhaps even more secure, far less fuel would be used so all costs would be much lower than with a first stage which is a rocket... My idea is based on the fact that a Boeing 747-8 Freighter had no problems to accelerate the Dream Chaser space shuttle with a necessary second stage to a speed of Mach 10... The deployment of the Boeing 747-8 Freighter as the first stage of the space flight of the Dream Chaser would also mean that the new space shuttle of NASA was not only able to land at any airport which is suitable for heavier commercial aircraft but it was also capable to be launched from any such airport of Earth...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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