2014. február 12., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - If Green Is Your Favourite Colour

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I always wanted to write you on how much more affordable it is to fly on the 1st class of greater international airlines than owning a private jet - while you can enjoy the same comfort, have the same prestige and some interesting society, too... Not to mention that it means more security for air traffic if there are only a few large airplanes in the air at a time instead of many small business jets...

I never wrote a Blog Post with the above subject because I thought that writing about the details of a luxurious life-style is disgusting... I guess my valued Readers are all ready with their reckonings despite of that... I would like to outline now how you can save money and protect the environment by flying on airplanes as more average travellers...

Living in the city where your flights depart from you need to own fewer cars if you are a frequent flyer... For example you don't own a big limousine only a small city car which you can get to the airport by... Or you travel to the airport by taxi... Or you and your spouse don't need to have 2 cars on your own but only one of you has a car and carries the other one to the airport when this is necessary... Either way you have to spend less on cars as if you were just travelling in your region by car instead of flying to distant countries by plane... Next to that you consume less fuel as an airline passenger as if you spent the same amount of time by car driving, very often alone...

Living in your destination city or country you can travel by taxi, rent a car or be given a lift by those who welcome you as a guest... That means serious expenses on cars and consuming much fuel this far - but I guess in a foreign city or country you simply move less because you don't feel as much at home... That is already good to your wallet or purse and to the environment... On the other hand, citizens of your destination city or country may rather choose means of public traffic facing many taxis, rented cars and tourists on their streets - and their using public traffic is more affordable to them and more environmentally friendly, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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