2014. március 2., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Air Force One Ticket And Monthly Ticket

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I very often criticise the Air Force One machines nowadays because they seem to be a Trojan Horse... They are beautiful from the outside, they must be comfortable in the inside and they are technologically advanced, too - so you are too sorry to get rid of them... However the Air Force One machines are no use when it is about solving my travel issues...

The explanation for the limited ability of the Air Force One machines to be deployed among very serious circumstances is quite simple: they are not exactly fighter jets or warplanes but much more fine and solemn private jets for representative tasks only... They are the most sensational airplanes of the world, too at the same time...

That is why I have found out the Air Force One Ticket and Monthly Ticket (the last one for frequent flyers)... Such a ticket would mean a first class ticket for airliners of the most reliable and highly reputed airlines... Its price would be much more affordable than a flight of a private Jumbo Jet of Boeing called Air Force One, the camouflage of passengers holding an Air Force One Ticket would be much better than using a large airplane on their own and by an Air Force One Ticket you could fly between any 2 major city pairs much more frequently and enjoying the benefits of many more flight options than onboard of an airplane that needs to be escorted to an airport by national fighter jets...

So an Air Force One Ticket or Monthly Ticket (for frequent flyers) could mean much more freedom to possible passengers than waiting for the deployment of the established Boeing 747 aircraft... Possible passengers still could be heavily modified by disguising them as a boy-group, as industry tycoons or priests of the Popery in Denver, CO... Air Force One Tickets could be used until the established Jumbo Jets of Boeing can be operated among peaceful circumstances again... The environmental friendliness of flying by an Air Force One Ticket instead of a whole private Jumbo Jet cannot be expressed by words...

"Don't look at the screen of my laptop!" (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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