2014. február 28., péntek

New Concorde - For Nearly 400 Passengers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My enthusiasm in the previous Blog Post came a little bit too early because Concorde has not been a better airplane in its main characteristics by now than a Boeing 737 MAX: both airplanes have got approx. the same passenger capacity, the same cruising speed and a very similar fuel consumption...

Concorde could be improved by a couple of old and new elements of design:

a) super-cruise capability (the afterburners function after Mach 1.7 as air-breathing rocket engines),
b) a longer fuselage before the delta-wings (10 additional meters) and
c) larger windows in terms of "balcony doors" (narrow and high)...

A double-bubble concept seemed to me unpretty - because it really looked like 2 needles... Instead I would extend the aircraft by an upper deck in terms of a delta shaped wing... This upper deck could provide with additional uplift if strong enough, with exceptionally much view forward (just like the bow of a Jumbo Jet of Boeing, only bigger) and with much sunshine or starlight because of its side walls made of glass... Underneath of the main deck I could imagine a downer deck, too as a Concorde stands in a great hight so that there was probably some place for a downer deck, too... This downer deck also had side walls made of glass for a beautiful panoramic view and it would contribute to the uplift of the airplane as a huge hot air balloon such as by some lifting-body effect because of its flat belly...

When I mention "glass" above I rather mean some plexi-glass and even more a transparent version of the carbon-fibre reinforced plastic which the best-selling Boeing 787 Dreamliner is made of... This transparent carbon-fibre plastic would make the new decks light and strong and would provide with full visibility to the outside, too - according to my imagination...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. február 27., csütörtök

New Concorde - The Most Environmentally Friendly Airplane Of The World

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"You only see what your eyes want to see" Madonna sings in her song "Frozen" and you don't even assume how often this piece of truth acts on you... For example all people tend to believe that Concorde (the old version that flew between London/Paris and New York from 1976 until 2003) consumed approx. as much fuel as a Jumbo Jet of Boeing while carrying only 120 passengers maximally... Because speed is meant to cost so much fuel...

I am writing this Blog Post because the above assumption is not true: Concorde was not only the fastest airplane of the world but the most environmentally friendly one as well - except for its noise maybe...

First of all, let's have a look at the power output of the famous Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 turbojet engines...

dry thrust: 140 kN
thrust with afterburner: 169 kN

(CFM LEAP turbofan jet engine, static thrust: 100 kN, designed for the Boeing 737 MAX among others)
(an average turbofan jet engine of a Boeing 747, static thrust: 270 kN)

The CFM LEAP engine is one of the most modern and most fuel-efficient turbofan jet engines waiting to be deployed on various aircraft of the future... The CFM LEAP engine contains lots of sophisticated technology which makes it clean, silent and fuel-efficient - on the other hand I also think that there in no significant difference between gas turbines that create very similar power outputs in their fuel consumption because in Jet fuel A-1 there is always the same amount of energy, the basic structure of the jet engines is the same and their working principles are the same, too... I mean you can enhance gas turbines and you can improve them but the basics remains the same... So I have the opinion that Concorde never consumed as much fuel as a Jumbo Jet of Boeing but rather as much as 4 main engines of a modest Boeing 737...

Still what I put down above is not a miracle yet... The miracle begins when Concorde surpasses the sound barrier and it turns into some radiation, actually... As an amount of radiation which is flying through the air Concorde doesn't face any other resistance than that of other radiations in its way and crossing its way, respectively... The crash of radiations would result in changing of the radiations and their addition, respectively - you cannot afford any of these occurrences in case of Concorde which is a passenger aircraft... That is why you need an implementation onboard Concorde which absorbs radiation that Concorde encounters... The absorbed radiations can be turned into electricity which can supply all electric systems onboard of Concorde with electric power: the heating of the passenger cabin and of the entire airframe, the heating of the air within the air-conditioning, electric control systems and electric oil pumps for the onboard hydraulic systems etc.

The above radiation exchange onboard Concorde results in no auxiliary power unit being a part of Concorde... On all other airplanes it is the auxiliary power unit (or APU) which supplies electric systems of the aircraft with juice and it consumes approx. as much fuel as the main engines altogether... As you can find no APU in the aft of a Concorde but a braking parachute, Concorde consumes far less fuel during its supersonic flight than other airplanes during the cruising phase of their flight... The electric power supply of Concorde must have been solved by a couple of reliable and fuel-efficient internal combustion engines before the supersonic phase of Concorde's flight and afterwards, too... These decent internal combustion engines must be known as the fuel pumps which were needed to pump jet fuel from one fuel tank of the airplane into another during a flight, according to widely spread rumours... There is not as much fuel onboard of any airplane that was worth of being pumped anywhere because of a better balance of the airplane... Furthermore the development of the unique and state-of-the-art implementation for the exchange of radiation into electricity during the supersonic phase of the flight of Concorde could explain the 7 years of development from the first flight of Concorde in 1969 until its introduction to the flying public in 1976...

All in one, Concorde must have been a good investment for The Boeing Company in the first decade of 21st Century...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. február 26., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Freighter - The Launch Vehicle Of 21st Century?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to write to you some space-news in brief... The Sierra Nevada Space Corporation (a private space venture) is currently developing a new Space Shuttle which is much smaller than the STS-System that was in service from 1980 to 2011 as it is only meant to lift astronauts to an Earth orbit (7 ones anyway)... The new Space Shuttle of the Sierra Nevada Space Corporation called Dream Chaser is planned to be launched to orbit by space rockets of NASA (not only one rocket type fits) within the scope of NASA's space program of the upcoming decades... The first 4 launches of the Dream Chaser are planned for the year 2017... This cute little space shuttle will be a part of NASA's space program next to NASA's own space capsule called Orion which is designed to reach even Moon and Mars beyond Earth's orbit...

How does the Boeing 747-8 Freighter come into picture? The large freighter airplane which can carry 140,000 kgs of cargo could be installed a truss on its back for the transportation of a Dream Chaser space shuttle (weight: 11,300 kgs) with the necessary rocket that accelerated the space shuttle from the back of the Jumbo Jet of Boeing into a low Earth orbit... That way a fully reusable aircraft could be the first stage of the space flight of the Dream Chaser, launches could be perhaps even more secure, far less fuel would be used so all costs would be much lower than with a first stage which is a rocket... My idea is based on the fact that a Boeing 747-8 Freighter had no problems to accelerate the Dream Chaser space shuttle with a necessary second stage to a speed of Mach 10... The deployment of the Boeing 747-8 Freighter as the first stage of the space flight of the Dream Chaser would also mean that the new space shuttle of NASA was not only able to land at any airport which is suitable for heavier commercial aircraft but it was also capable to be launched from any such airport of Earth...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. február 19., szerda

Duesenberg Motors Inc. - Duesenberg Typhoon - February 19th 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If the Duesenberg Motors Inc. ever starts to produce world-class luxury cars again then I have the concept of an automobile that was able to be the starting point at the design of the new Duesenberg limousine...

The new Duesenberg limousine which I gave the name "Typhoon" would have 2 power trains integrated in one other... The first would consist of a V12 internal combustion engine of a power output of 600 HP, of an electric engine of a power output of 300 HP after the V12-engine and in front of the automatic gear-box and of a plug-in-battery-pack of a volume of 100 litres in the rear of the car... Such a powerful hybrid power train would need a permanent all-wheel-drive for a secure and dynamic moving forward... The second power train within the Duesenberg Typhoon would be an electric drive train consisting of 2 electric engines of a power output of 150 HP each acting on the rear wheels and of the electric engine of 300 HP in front of the gear-box mentioned before... The power source of this all-electric power train would be the plug-in-battery-pack in the rear of the car and the V12 combustion engine as a range extender...

The bodywork should reflect the tradition of nearly 80 years of US American luxury car design since 1937 when the last Duesenberg car went in production that is why already the shortest version of a Duesenberg Typhoon had 3 side-window sections instead of only 2 ones... In the middle of the limousine the reclining seats of 2 rear passengers could be stretched out and a really big refrigerator with 2 doors could be installed providing with a wide range of chilled beverages, fruit juices, milk drinks, chocolate bars, sandwiches and caviar on the one side, while on the other side ice cream could be stored in greater volumes and an ice-maker could function, too with drinking water supply (based on the condense water of the air conditioning of the car)... In the middle of the car a big flat-screen television could be installed, too such as various business solutions or a disco ball on the ceiling... The rear of the car would end in a hatch-back whose entire door was able to be opened if you want to travel with heavy suitcases and whose glass window was able to be opened separately if you only want to stove the result of a shopping tour in the city in the boot... The front of the car could be decorated next to the modern version of the traditional Duesenberg cooler mask by lighting units in terms of a fleur-de-lis made of LED-lights and of laser-lights and of compact light tubes, the bumpers could have a silver colour, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. február 12., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Dream And Reality

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let's listen to some music from the Back Street Boys...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - The Emperor Of Life

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You want the same wages for the same labour - I don't think this is only an expectation from a righteous society but it can be a composite law as well that is fulfilled in a combination of physics and economy among favourable circumstances...

Work in physics can be reckoned out by the following formula: W = F . d where F is the heaviness of an object or of a person, expressed in Newtons and d is not a distance but a displacement, expressed in meters (Wikipedia)... I suppose that the same worker or employee (approx. 600 - 800 Newtons) being subject to the same displacement (many, many meters) receives the same wages or salary for the same work - regardless of the direction of his or her traveling... Let's explore a couple of examples:

The 2 routes compared to each other are always the same: commuting in your home country by car and flying between Budapest and New York (and as an exception, respectively between Budapest and Miami)...

Let us explore the payment of a couple of different workers and employees:

a) A worker of a car factory in Hungary drives to work and from work on every working day 2 x 30 km = 60 km... During 200 working days he or she leaves behind 12,000 km... That is approx. the distance between Budapest and Miami where you can go on holidays... Without going on holidays a worker cannot go on with his or her labour at the car factory, so I would say that the payment for his or her flight to Miami is just as much as for his or her commuting between his or her home and the factory...

b) A physician commutes between a suburb of Budapest and the capital 2 x 30 km on a working day again... If he or she has to fly from Budapest to New York to a conference or to deliver a special operation then I think he or she is going to receive 10 times of his or her usual salary on the long run in a connection with the flight to New York...

c) The above way of earning money must be true for a lawyer, an entrepreneur and a singer, too...

Why is it the better choice to fly to your work if it is only possible instead of traveling by car?

a) During a much shorter period of time you can make the same amount of money...

b) On a flight of 12,000 km an airplane consumes far less fuel carrying a passenger than a car swallows on 12,000 km...

c) It must be much more affordable to fly from Budapest to New York than to commute to work as long as 200 days (or 400 days if you add the returning flight, too) in a region of Hungary... Naturally, if you travel to New York then you have to dwell somewhere, too and pay for the accommodation...

You as a piece of workforce should be provided with chances to travel to work by airplane and you should also fight by yourself for your opportunity to fly to work regularly, after examining the conditions of work at your destination, of course...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - If Green Is Your Favourite Colour

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I always wanted to write you on how much more affordable it is to fly on the 1st class of greater international airlines than owning a private jet - while you can enjoy the same comfort, have the same prestige and some interesting society, too... Not to mention that it means more security for air traffic if there are only a few large airplanes in the air at a time instead of many small business jets...

I never wrote a Blog Post with the above subject because I thought that writing about the details of a luxurious life-style is disgusting... I guess my valued Readers are all ready with their reckonings despite of that... I would like to outline now how you can save money and protect the environment by flying on airplanes as more average travellers...

Living in the city where your flights depart from you need to own fewer cars if you are a frequent flyer... For example you don't own a big limousine only a small city car which you can get to the airport by... Or you travel to the airport by taxi... Or you and your spouse don't need to have 2 cars on your own but only one of you has a car and carries the other one to the airport when this is necessary... Either way you have to spend less on cars as if you were just travelling in your region by car instead of flying to distant countries by plane... Next to that you consume less fuel as an airline passenger as if you spent the same amount of time by car driving, very often alone...

Living in your destination city or country you can travel by taxi, rent a car or be given a lift by those who welcome you as a guest... That means serious expenses on cars and consuming much fuel this far - but I guess in a foreign city or country you simply move less because you don't feel as much at home... That is already good to your wallet or purse and to the environment... On the other hand, citizens of your destination city or country may rather choose means of public traffic facing many taxis, rented cars and tourists on their streets - and their using public traffic is more affordable to them and more environmentally friendly, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. február 7., péntek

Boeing 777X - Cloud 7

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing 777 is nothing but a Boeing 747 derivate: no upper deck, no giant crown space, no windows that look forward and no 4 main engines... What remains is the same long airliner as a Jumbo Jet of Boeing, with only one passenger deck and 2 huge engines... Thus the Boeing 777 is still a large airplane but an extremely quiet one, it is very fuel-efficient and it has got clean exhaust gases...

Why do we love the Boeing 777X?

I have collected elements of the design of the Boeing 777X that are already there on the list of enhancements and that are only my ideas, too...

1) The entrance hall... After boarding the airliner you are already 'n trance because you can reach first and business class separately from the economy class...

2) A very likely panoramic sunroof - so that you have either the star shiny sky above you or a light-flooded interior where you feel in a truly pleasant way...

3) On the Boeing 777X there could be berths, too - not in the crown space like in case of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental, but in the very end of the airplane... You could have approx. 20 of them as an option...

4) Chandeliers in the crown space are a lovely idea from the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental VIP... I have received an idea that they were able to be installed according to in 2 rows matching the slightly smaller overhead space...

5) You will have as far as I know 25% larger windows than before... The next step in the development of airplanes will be balcony doors for more light and elegance...

6) It is about really big windows already... I think the darkening of the windows is only possible by liquid crystals because you wouldn't be able to move the larger shades with your hands any more...

7) The Boeing 777 is the first fly-by-wire airplane of the world, with a glass cockpit... It was such a modern airplane at its debut that since 1995 no major updates or upgrades on the Boeing 777 were necessary...

8) A double bubble or D8 version of the Boeing 777 could be also imagined by using internal wings in the fuselage... The glass corridor between the 2 fuselages could be called "the Boeing strait..."

9) On large airplanes it could be mandatory for ladies to wear a hat and for gentlemen to wear a jacket... The sense of this was reducing your fears...

10) The amount of waste water could be reduced significantly according to some information by installing pissoirs as well in a modest number... Vomiting could occur using bidets - that would be a more intimate solution than the still necessary bags...

11) During a flight you could store your shoes in shoe boxes... In order to avoid any smell of feet, passengers could receive a scented pair of socks from the airline... I am against anti-transpiration substances as they hinder one of your important physical functions...

12) On state-of-the-art and really fast passenger aircraft, what you need is checked textiles and seats with more side support...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team