2012. június 28., csütörtök


Ladies and Gentlemen,

There are new ways and new achievements in ergonomics, too... Pedals are very much in and trendy...

1) By a pedal (or a similar foot board) you can control your computer like by the conventional mouse... Both of your hands become free and so much movement is healthy for your feet actually...

2) If you want even more work-out sitting at your desk then you can also generate electricity for your computer by a pedal... (Similar to mechanic sewing machines...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 22., péntek

Oh, Maria

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Lord Jesus Christ is there among others to bring God's order into this world... That's also a way how He saves us from chaos, hatred or simply misunderstandings... The Lord Jesus Christ brought the light of love already before His birth into the world... I wish for myself that I meet this light more and more often...

Luke 1: 39 - 55

Mary got up and went quickly to a town in the hill country of Judea. She went into Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the unborn baby inside Elizabeth jumped. Then Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth said with a loud voice, "God has blessed you (Mary) more than any other woman. And God has blessed the baby which you will give birth to. You are the mother of my Lord, and you have come to me! Why has something so good happened to me? When I heard your voice, the baby inside me jumped with joy. You are blessed because you believed what the Lord (God) said to you. You believed this would happen.

Then Mary said,

"My soul praises the Lord (God);
my heart is happy because God
is my Savior.
I am not important.
But God has shown his care for me,
his servant girl.
From now on, all people will say
that I am blessed,
because the Powerful One (God)
has done great things for me.
His name is very holy.
God will always give mercy
to those people that worship him.
God's arm is strong.
He scatters those people that are proud
and think great things about
God brings down rulers
from their thrones,
and he raises up the humble people.
God fills hungry people
with good things,
but he sends rich, selfish people
away with nothing.
God has helped his people
that serve him.
He gave them his mercy.
God has done what he promised
to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to his children

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 18., hétfő

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce June 18th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The life of Rolls-Royce owners is not always so easy either - however Rolls-Royce offer endless methods of crisis management... For example:

a) you can start the engine,
b) you can tell your driver a destination according to the choice of your heart,
c) you can accelerate,
d) you can enjoy the countryside,
e) you can wave your hand to Rolls-Royce enthousiasts,
f) you can darken the windows by curtains,
g) you can conversate with your fellow passenger,
h) you can enjoy a movie or slumber,
i) you can make telephone calls in a traffic jam,
j) you can have your car washed during work,
k) you can buy a bunch of flowers,
l) you can send or receive emails etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 13., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - And Superpower Europe

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Airbus also have dreams... I have copied the news release of Airbus here so that a little more people can read about a really elevated and noble initiative:

Airbus supports the IUCN’s “Plant a Pledge” campaign advocating the largest land restoration initiative ever

Bianca Jagger calls on public to urge global leaders to meet 150 million hectare restoration target
12 June 2012
Ahead of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, campaign ambassador Bianca Jagger, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Airbus launched today “Plant a Pledge” – an online campaign to mobilise public support for the largest restoration initiative in history.
The 150 million hectare target is known as the Bonn Challenge, after ministers and CEOs met last year in Germany to issue an urgent rallying cry to the global community.
“IUCN’s latest research now shows that in restoring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2020 – which is only 15% of the estimated area of degraded forests worldwide – we would see more than US$ 84 billion net injected annually into local and global economies and cut the climate change “emissions reduction gap” by 11-17%.” said Stewart Maginnis, Director of the Nature-Based Solutions Group of IUCN. “It will make significant contributions to the global challenges we face today, alleviating poverty, slowing global warming and securing food, particularly for those who need it most.”
The campaign is calling on individuals around the world to Plant a Pledge of support through the campaign website – which will become a global petition to be delivered at the UN climate change talks in Qatar, later this year.
Each online pledge asks governments, private landowners and communities who manage lands to commit areas for restoration in order to achieve the Bonn Challenge by 2020.
The Global Partnership for Forest Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), who along with the German government hosted the original Bonn Challenge meeting, recently identified two billion hectares of land worldwide – an area the size of South America – as offering opportunities for forest landscape restoration. Repairing landscapes would restore their ability to support people and wildlife and would significantly increase global capacity to process greenhouse gases, according to IUCN.
“Improving fuel efficiency is at the heart of our business and we have reduced emissions by 70% in the last 40 years. Aviation today represents 2% of manmade emissions and we are continuing to improve the efficiency of our industry to reduce this, having invested over two billion Euros in environmental research and development, this year alone. The partnership with the IUCN reflects our commitment to support those tackling the other 98 percent,” said Andrea Debbané, Airbus Vice President of Environment Affairs. “Landscape restoration reduces net emissions by increasing carbon storage and is a practical, sustainable solution to many issues facing the planet, people and the economy.”
“For over thirty years I have campaigned for human rights and environmental protection. These issues may seem unrelated, but their causes, and their solutions, are interconnected”, said Bianca Jagger, campaign ambassador, and Founder and Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation. “With the Plant a Pledge Campaign we can take concrete steps towards restoring the landscape in deforested and degraded areas and repair the damage to human lives and natural resources. Achieving the restoration of 150 million hectares of former forest land around the world by 2020 - the Bonn Challenge target - will improve lives, the economy and the planet and will offer solutions to the impending climate crisis. Pledge at www.plantapledge.com and help push land restoration to the top of the political agenda.”
“With this campaign, we also hope to highlight that landscape restoration is about so much more than just planting trees” says Carole Saint-Laurent, IUCN’s Senior Policy Officer for Forest Landscape Restoration. “A restored landscape allows for different land uses to coexist: from agriculture, to forests managed for timber, fuel and fruit, and protected wildlife reserves, to areas managed for the protection of water supplies. The goal is to revitalise the landscapes so it can meet the needs of both people and nature, sustainably.”

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 10., vasárnap

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce June 10th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars are famous for many of their qualities - among others they are the most optimistic luxury car label as well... This means that you cannot only order models of the present and pre-owned vehicles but models of the future, too... The Rolls-Royce models and services of the future:

a) will definitely have the endless possibilities of individualization as before,
b) will have the typical waftability,
c) will have power trains that we describe today as "alternative",
d) will be produced in greater and greater numbers and still remain rare,
e) will be produced outside of the United Kingdom, too,
f) will have a progressive exterior and interior design,
g) will take over solutions from space research,
h) will be completed by a selection of private jets and yachts,
i) will offer connections to architects and interior-architects,
j) will offer connections to 1st class flights and cruises,
k) will offer connections to fashion designers,
l) will offer exclusive clubs and resorts...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 9., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Cascade Of Fitness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

O.k., you don't want to sleep and relax in the berths of the SkyLoft of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental because you can spend your time onboard with more exciting things, too... Just as looking out of the window with an exceptional view...

However a wintergarden would really make a sense above the main deck according to me... "Medical walks" used to be a method to keep yourself fit and you cannot imagine a luxury oceanliner without a Promenade Deck... As far as I know it is enough to walk 1 km a day in order to maintain your health... (1 km = 40 x 25 meters, I think you have got this distance on the SkyLoft...)

I have just read that many passengers of the inaugural flight of the 1st Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental of Lufthansa visited the Economy Class because they were interested in the new interior - but maybe also because they wanted to walk a little that is not possible on everyday flights... I think it is also an attraction of classical train compartments with a corridor that you can stand or walk in this corridor and even socialize a little...

That's why a wintergarden on the SkyLoft of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental could be useful: you could stand around, walk and socialize among a couple of plants during the flight... This could result in a more natural feeling on airliners: more freedom, tranquility and comfort... (Boeing InteriYours Program, Intercity Package)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Prices

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Commodities are in so, of course, you can also purchase the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental by the following:

a) 40,000 camels,
b) 5,000 m2 of barock castles,
c) 10,000 bags of wool,
d) 10,000 km2 of test terrain,
e) 1,000,000 portions of sushi,
f) 5 bamboo buds,
g) 1 "Great Wall of China" type brick,
h) 10 love songs (with copyright, etc.),
i) 20 km2 of solar power plants,
j) 1 TV show (all seasons) etc.

The above prices are without VAT and may vary according to the equipment...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 5., kedd

Electric Wheel Hub Motors (Prayer)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Oh, my God, how bad I wish that you could produce electric wheel hub motors not only in terms of a drum but also in terms of a disc and a saddle... Disc electric wheel hub motors could be much lighter and who knows maybe even more efficient... Thank you!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Brabus 4WD Full Electric - The Beauty And The Biest

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Brabus car tuning company about their Brabus 4WD Full Electric concept car:

"320 kW (430 hp) of power and a peak torque of 3,200 Nm (2,360 lb-ft) from four electric wheel hub motors point the way to the powerful, efficient and ecofriendly luxury sedan of the future. Based on the latest Mercedes E-Class, BRABUS ZERO EMISSION, a business division of BRABUS, has developed the fully operational BRABUS High Performance 4WD Full Electric concept car. The all-wheel-drive vehicle, which celebrates its world debut at the 2011 IAA, accelerates from 0 - 100 km/h (62 mph) in just 6.9 seconds and reaches a top speed of 220 km/h (137 mph) and all without emitting as much as a single gram of CO2. A powerful 56-kWh lithium-ion battery pack provides an operating range of up to 350 kilometers (217 miles). There are plans for a small-series production run of this unique automobile."

My comments:

a) the concept of the Brabus 4WD Full Electric is very similar to that of the RR 102 EX: a huge battery pack instead of the combustion engine - and you can keep the practical and well proved limousine car body,
b) 2 electric engines in the Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric are very intelligent and efficient - 4 electric wheel hub engines might be even better: they unite the motors with the brake system and they must be very efficient, too as they don't have to move anything between the engine and the wheels,
c) a 4-wheel-drive is always of advantage, especially in sportive cars...

So the ingenious concept of the Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric has inspired other car companies, too and it lives on merrily with incredible enhancements...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 4., hétfő

The Man Who Was Late For The Spacecraft (#2)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Oh my God! It is so marvelous here, on Earth...

You can see the forests, the flowers, the seas and the cities closely!

You have got the best club-life here, on Earth... You can go to pop concerts actually...

And there are billions of humans on Earth that you can meet and talk with - you have got the best chance for research and development and to fall in love...

And I also like to drive my car and to live in my house together with my family...

God Almighty I praise you for this beautiful planet - space travel would be a little too monotous to me perhaps..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Man Who Was Late For The Spacecraft (#1)

2012. június 2., szombat

Theories On Infinity June 2nd 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't think that gazelles impute wild cats to eating the weaker and slower gazelles - otherwise gazelles wouldn't live in the wilderness... I don't think either that gazelles blame other gazelles like this: "I couldn't run faster because you were before me" - otherwise they wouldn't live in droves...

All what gazelles can do is to improve... No one has seen gazelles provoking wild cats so that the wild cats chase them as a kind of training... No one has seen gazelles exploring grazing grounds on the other side of a river where wild cats cannot reach them... However gazelles are motivated to improve and what they can change in the easiest way is their thinking...

The secret service of humans is our heart... If you don't search for relationships with other humans or if you don't listen to the signs from others then your heart is useless... But if you let God control your heart with His endless wisdom and love and if you let your neighbors control your heart with their endless needs and weeknesses then your heart is going to guide you closer to Heaven...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - I'm Reading Frontiers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

From the June 2012 issue of the Boeing Frontiers magazine:

Sharing the dream

Innovation connects us

Long live the Queen!

3 in a Jumbo Jet

Pride in the military

Research in vacuum

The legend of the B-52

An Earth Day with Boeing

Work-out for the mind

The big plastic dream

Inside of the factory

Boeing grows in Spain

Heavy industry

Desert sun

The big blue 747

Customers from Eastern Europe

Find connection to other Boeing employees

I have never read anything better yet...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. június 1., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Sound Check

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Boeing 747-8 App is finally available... And I am mesmerized...

The only thing I recognized is that the airplane is relatively quiet indeed - but there is now a cold and metallic ringing in the engine sound... If jet engines could be made out of plastic you could maybe avoid even this little noise... Jet engines out of plastic would not only be quieter but they could be lighter, too...

I know that the aircraft industry is happy to be able to produce jet engines out of titanium - that can bear the extreme inner powers and the extreme heat... However there were already soundless plastic truck engines as far as I know - you should "only" develop the technology further so that it is suitable for jet engines, too...

Because you need new purposes and dreams as well...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team