2014. május 12., hétfő

Carry On Mr. President!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

For those who don't agree with the last 2 points of my Durable Presidential Program there is legal redress which can relive menacing punishments...

For those who are fully disappointed by me there are my newest ideas for price formation... It is very important that I don't mean any new tax for my family and I don't mean any new charity either but I am thinking of a new way of price formation actually that was more humane than earlier solutions and that was able to have a long future, too (as all science-fiction movies except it)...

Expensive products should cost lots of money... There are people who succeed in earning much money during only a short period of time... Such people think it is intelligent to buy the most expensive products on the market in order to have security, freedom and happiness in their lives... All right! Rich people can make money out of socially acceptable sources, they enjoy collecting and spending money - while they give work to crowds in certain cases...

However cheap products should be available for free - there are 2 good explanations for this way of thinking... But if my companies give volume products for free then I won't be a billionaire which is a pity because I can only realise necessary infrastructural and industrial and agricultural developments if I have oceans of money...

What would make a sense? People who don't have anything (obviously because they cannot afford it as they don't get paid for what they are and what they work) could acquire everything for free what they don't have... A house, a car, an LCD-televison, a refrigerator, 2 weeks of staying at a hotel, a bunch or roses etc. This system would ensure that no one dies because he or she is too poor and thus it would also ensure that no human value goes to waste which is encoded in our various gens, which we learn during our school years or which we were able to make other people happy with... On the other hand it couldn't cost too much to my companies because most people still can find their place in the global society and sooner or later they succeed in working for money as a part of the establishment...

In the pictures below: no places where I belong to but places that I am longing for... Earlier it used to be the policy of my family that "only the strong survive" because we assumed that honest people are strong, as well... Now we have to see in (my entire family) that human destinies are much more complex than the previously mentioned logic suggests and honest people can be subject to lots of suffering, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 9., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Circus

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think a new Jumbo Jet of Boeing was able to be a part of circus shows as well... With its performance called "woman bound in front of a jet engine of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental..."

It goes like that: A female member of the audience is asked to participate in the show... It is her task to choose whether she wants to embark the new Jumbo Jet through one of its front left doors - or she can be bound in front of one of the turbofan jet engines of a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental (static thrust: 296 kN) where she seems to disappear within the jet engine after a while but soon afterwards she appears inside of the cabin of the Jumbo Jet again as an economy class passenger... (The hand luggage of the female participant of the show is taken away by a stewardess and stowed away in a luggage bin of the aircraft so that it does not disturb the performance and in order to highlight the spaciousness of the new luggage bins in Boeing airplanes...)

Most female voluntaries choose to be bound in front of a jet engine of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - but it is not a special burden to the propulsion technology... Frozen chickens have been shot into the jet engines during their development in order to simulate the collision with a bird and the mostly red Sunrise Livery of the new Jumbo Jet of Boeing is also prepared to circus attractions if you already think of possible accidents... As the final part of the performance the female participants are asked to slide down on one of the rear emergency air cushions so that the security of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is highlighted, too... Don't be afraid, you can reckon for the show with the allowance of the management of The Boeing Company which my mother is a part of, too...

"Finally we have understood the sawtooth pattern at the end of the jet engines..." (voices from the audience)
"Exactly..." (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 3., szombat

The Magic Of Aston Martin - May 3rd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is true that heavy industry and technologies based on it had to develop for thousands of years... That is why you have been able to travel by car only since 20th Century... That is why you could only build a tunnel between Great-Britain and France only at the end of 20th Century... Still it is very strange to me that people didn't even think of connecting Great-Britain with France by a bridge over the British-channel... Maybe it was simpler to dig a tunnel in the calm Earth-crust than it had been to build an over 30 km long bridge in the raging water of the British-channel... Sweden and Denmark such as 2 main islands of Japan have been connected by super-bridges and in the USA there is at least one long bridge which connects the 2 edges of a calmer bay of sea...

A 20 km long bridge connecting Africa and Spain is not being planned, a much shorter bridge between the peninsula of Italy and Sicily is not being planned either and an over 30 km long bridge between Great-Britain and France sounds like a surprise to all of us, I am afraid... If it was possible to construct these bridges by any kind of technology there was still the problem that cars driving on these bridges could be blown into the water by the strong winds around the bridges... The solution is simple but a little bit expensive: the road surfaces of these mega-bridges should be covered by glass walls and by glass cupolas and thus cars could pass these bridges without any danger...

I am only putting this down because different (or identical) people cannot be only connected by airplanes but by automobiles and trains, too - and the same is true for cultures, economies and human living places as well... During history mankind had to struggle with wars, diseases and poverty among others which did not let us and our predecessors, respectively any time to think over peaceful plans that support development... In the future we could maybe change our way of thinking: first you have to find out how to enhance the conditions of life, how to connect people and how to increase peace - and only afterwards you should think over protecting our values of material or of intellectual nature against any enemies...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. május 2., péntek

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - May 2nd 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Yesterday I was revising the model scale of Chevrolet and of Cadillac because I was interested in if cars with V8-engines are available yet? Yes, the Chevrolet Camaro can be ordered by a 6.2-litre V8-engine with 426 HP for USD 33, 500.00 - very good...

Only because US American cars are meant to be implemented by V8-engines so that US American car customers have got a little easier life such as powerful engines in big bodyworks... In the 2nd decade of 21st Century the V8-engine of General Motors should be available in a turbo-charged version, too... According to me it had a power output of over 600 HP - you can question me what you can start with such a big power output? Well, cars of General Motors implemented by a 600 HP-engine had lots of prestige and exclusivity and they could cruise on US American highways a little faster (if the authority also agrees in) than before... (Without trucks 160 km/h could be permitted maybe...)

Cars with a V8-engine of 600 HP could cost about USD 40, 000.00 - 2 turbo-chargers don't cost any more, you had lots of electronics on board but they really shouldn't be available to beginning drivers... Although the measure of turbo-charging could be regulated, too from 420 HP to over 600 HP...

I would like to put down some more remarks:

a) If anybody builds in any hybrid-technology in US American cars with any strong engines then it is not a problem...
b) In the Porsche 944 you had an in-line 3.0-litre engine with 211 HP and in the Porsche 968, its successor you had an in-line 3.0-litre engine with 240 HP (actually without any turbo-charger) and I used to love those cars...
c) If you get asked where the fabulous Chevrolet Spark, Sonic and Cruze models are to find then you can answer that they are built into small-block-engines and you can refer to me (JDLM)...
d) What I wrote above is naturally valid for the US American Ford Company, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team