2013. december 18., szerda

The Magic Of Aston Martin December 18th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What tasks should engineers deal with and what challenges will they face when the investments of the Wolfinger-Boeing companies into technical and technological research and development are reduced to only 10% of the volume of the previous investments in the above areas... I have gathered a couple of ideas:

1) any much research, design and development can be resolved - on 10% of the previous sources

example: no new labels should appear

2) all new products should be small and light (this goes)

example 01: walls for noise protection next to high-ways could be built out of Italian thuja trees
example 02: engineers should work only at their PCs - they could only design small products - machine-monsters could be avoided

3) all new products should be secure and intimate (making more privacy possible, this goes)

example: a guest room is elegant - in future you could have a sauna under all detached houses and all town houses, respectively, for "cultivated people"

4) solutions should be researched, designed and developed for the usage of the much energy that we have actually

5) super-control (computer-control could be separated)

6) even less engineers should be trained in the future

7) new ways of servicing and of maintenance could be researched, designed and developed

8) please design something else instead of cars

9) research, design and development could be replaced by construction and production all over on Earth

10) a reliable water supply and a Garden Eden should be realised all over on Earth

11) eventual military developments could be financed by the Wolfinger-Boeing war tax or De la Mikula funds

12) research, design and development for small and mid-size enterprises

a) basic conditions: higher royal and church taxes that are more than symbolic (5 - 5%)
b) the above investments could be realised on De la Mikula credit
c) with entirely own products small and mid-size enterprises would be no more direct concurrency of the Wolfinger-Boeing companies
d) after a total value of EUR 1 Trillion of the former small and mid-size enterprises, Wolfinger-Boeing companies would buy 60% of these enterprises automatically

When all of these tasks are completed engineers will find new tasks for themselves, this is for sure...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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