2013. december 23., hétfő

Airbus A380 - The Best Airplane Of The World - Improvement

Ladies and Gentlemen,

How could the immensely popular Airbus A380 be more fuel-efficient, be faster and carry more passengers? You can see my suggestions in the drafts below...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. december 21., szombat

Airbus A340-600 - The Worst Airplane Of The World - Improvement

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am really flattered as I have been requested by Airbus of the European Union to design a very large aircraft for them beyond their 21st Century flagship, the Airbus A380 that everyone has to admire and respect...

I think that Airbus was able to restart the production of the high-capacity and long-range Airbus A340 family and they were able to develop an own very large aircraft with a double fuselage and 4 engines out of the well-proven Airbus A340, of course... Based on the 4 variants of the Airbus A340, 4 very large aircraft could be developed with a passenger capacity from 522 to 760 persons...

The much criticised and high fuel-consumption of the Airbus A340 models could be reduced by 50% per passenger seat in case of Airbus A340 models with a double fuselage... Airbus A340 models with a double fuselage could have a longer range, too if the uplift acting on these aircraft was greater than that in case of single-fuselage Airbus A340 models... Even the cruising speed of the new double-fuselage airplanes could be increased based on the greater uplift...

To tell you the truth I am very much motivated to follow the eventual continuation of the model history of the Airbus A340 family... I cannot emphasise enough that this large aircraft was an idea of Valentina Tereshkova, one of my grand-mothers who joked over shooting my grand-father with an arrow...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - For 280 Million US Dollars?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What do you have in the model selection of The Boeing Company that is fit for the future?

Boeing 767 Ecoliner/ Intercity - a twin-aisle passenger jet for shorter and transcontinental routes
Boeing 787 Dreamliner - a mid-size passenger jet, light, fast and fuel-efficient
Boeing 777X - one of the largest airliners, fuel-efficient and designed for the longest routes
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - large, exciting, comfortable, fast and designed for long routes

What kinds of advantages would an extremely short version of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental have technically? It shouldn't be any longer than 60 meters (16 meters shorter than the B747-8I) and couldn't carry more than 250 passengers... It couldn't be any faster than a Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental and as it was lighter than the original Jumbo Jet of Boeing but carried 200 fewer passengers it wouldn't be more fuel-efficient either...

What kinds of amenities could an extremely short version of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental offer?

1) it would be a very exclusive and intimate airplane

2) as it had the same big fuel tanks as the full-size version it would have a long range, too

3) the extremely short Jumbo Jet of Boeing could make a perfect Boeing Business Jet

4) a seaplane-version would be available (you could save the cost of building airports in many cases)

5) crown-space doors with solar panels, electric-core main engines and a panoramic sunroof

6) retractable main engines for more torque during 2-engine economy-flights

7) downside-ventilated wings and elevators for SVTOL-capability

8) café, 2 movie theatres or art gallery in the crown space

9) swimming pool of a length of 25 meters and of a width of 5 meters, in the VIP or passenger versions, with a vaulted roof

10) transportation of pets in the cargo room (they are not as infectious)

11) 2 Aerolifts of Greenpoint Technologies connecting the Jumbo Jet directly with the subway (through a small underground airport terminal)

12) flower-ceilings in the crown space with mood lighting

Additional solution: the Green Airport Terminal...

1) it is only accessible by public traffic and bicycle - much higher capacity than that of airport terminals with car parking, less noise, less air pollution

2) luggage transport and previous luggage control mostly by tele-transportation

3) passenger security control by a personal control unit that you can wear on your wrist

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. december 20., péntek

The Darkest Period Of The Year

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to write to you about the greatest of pains for humans... I heard this story in Hungarian Television by a Hungarian humorist that I really admire...

He was a boy during World War 2 and his mother baked as far as I remember a baking pan of apple pie for Christmas... So that the big mass of the apple pie cools out she put it on the floor of the pantry of the house... When the father of the future humorist got home, it was his first thing to look for some food in the pantry - and he stepped right into the middle of the apple pie...

When I heard this bitter story on TV I laughed, too... However today something very similar happened to me, too... I bought a plush animal for one of my friends and I pressed it into his garden through the fence... His otherwise beautiful dog appeared immediately and it started to chew on the plush animal... Then I left that town, maybe forever...

But this whole day of mine has been like that...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. december 18., szerda

Boeing 767 Ecoliner/ Intercity - Offering Plenty Of Everything

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The very reliable and well-proven Boeing 767 could replace the Boeing 737 on shorter and transcontinental routes as an Ecoliner intercity shuttle... Why would this change be possible?

1) A Boeing 767 carries approx. 100 more passengers than a Boeing 737 in its every variant that can be compared to a variant of the 737... It has to be mentioned that the 100 more passengers onboard a Boeing 767 can travel in a much more comfortable way than onboard a Boeing 737 (2 aisles, bigger seats and more headroom) - this aspect is not so important on shorter and transcontinental routes actually, still it could attract more passengers to commuting by airplane... Most importantly a Boeing 767 doesn't consume much more fuel than a Boeing 737 (if it consumes more fuel at all) but it carries 100 more passengers - this means that a Boeing 767 consumes much less fuel per passenger seat than a Boeing 737...

2) As a Boeing 767 carries approx. 100 more passengers than a comparable Boeing 737 airlines needed to schedule fewer flights based on the usage of the Boeing 767 on shorter and transcontinental routes than in case of the dispatch of the Boeing 737... Fewer scheduled flights would mean less fuel consumption again, less noise and less traffic in the air - that means more security, too...

The above means that the Boeing 767 would be already in its present terms a perfect Ecoliner intercity shuttle instead of the little bit aged Boeing 737... Still there are possibilities of an enhancement of the Boeing 767 to a really state-of-the-art mid-size passenger jet, too...

1) The Boeing 767 could be installed the hybrid winglets introduced on the Boeing 737 MAX, too... These three-way hybrid winglets are a combination of a blended winglet, of a wingtip fence and of a raked wingtip and can increase the fuel efficiency of a passenger jet in a meaningful way...

2) The new version of the Boeing 767 could be also fitted by turbofan jet-engines of the most modern design (turbine blades out of composite materials, zig-zag ending of the engines etc.) so it could be more fuel-efficient and quieter than earlier versions of the Boeing 767...

3) According to me, the interior of a current Boeing 767 is so comfortable and appealing that it would only need some new textiles for a moderner look and LED-lighting, of course...

If you want to make the Ecoliner concept reality - that means more fuel-efficiency, less noise, more comfort and more security - then you can turn the Boeing 767 in an Ecoliner intercity shuttle... The Airbus A330 is a possible concurrency of the Boeing 767 Ecoliner/ Intercity and you can be sure that Airbus, their airline customers and their passengers are considering an actual 21st Century solution for the enhancement of shorter and transcontinental flights...

Boeing, make yourself comfortable in 21st Century!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Magic Of Aston Martin December 18th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What tasks should engineers deal with and what challenges will they face when the investments of the Wolfinger-Boeing companies into technical and technological research and development are reduced to only 10% of the volume of the previous investments in the above areas... I have gathered a couple of ideas:

1) any much research, design and development can be resolved - on 10% of the previous sources

example: no new labels should appear

2) all new products should be small and light (this goes)

example 01: walls for noise protection next to high-ways could be built out of Italian thuja trees
example 02: engineers should work only at their PCs - they could only design small products - machine-monsters could be avoided

3) all new products should be secure and intimate (making more privacy possible, this goes)

example: a guest room is elegant - in future you could have a sauna under all detached houses and all town houses, respectively, for "cultivated people"

4) solutions should be researched, designed and developed for the usage of the much energy that we have actually

5) super-control (computer-control could be separated)

6) even less engineers should be trained in the future

7) new ways of servicing and of maintenance could be researched, designed and developed

8) please design something else instead of cars

9) research, design and development could be replaced by construction and production all over on Earth

10) a reliable water supply and a Garden Eden should be realised all over on Earth

11) eventual military developments could be financed by the Wolfinger-Boeing war tax or De la Mikula funds

12) research, design and development for small and mid-size enterprises

a) basic conditions: higher royal and church taxes that are more than symbolic (5 - 5%)
b) the above investments could be realised on De la Mikula credit
c) with entirely own products small and mid-size enterprises would be no more direct concurrency of the Wolfinger-Boeing companies
d) after a total value of EUR 1 Trillion of the former small and mid-size enterprises, Wolfinger-Boeing companies would buy 60% of these enterprises automatically

When all of these tasks are completed engineers will find new tasks for themselves, this is for sure...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. december 16., hétfő

HELP! - Out Of Military Source

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I, undersigned ... think the following over you, ...

So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
Or as sweet-seasoned showers are to the ground;
And for the peace of you I hold such strife
As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found.
Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon
Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure,
Now counting best to be with you alone,
Then bettered that the world may see my pleasure,
Sometime all full with feasting on your sight,
And by and by clean starved for a look,
Possessing or pursuing no delight
Save what is had, or must from you be took.
Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day,
Or gluttoning on all, or all away.

(Shakespeare - Sonnet LXXV)

Location, December 16th 2013


In the picture below you can see male model Chad White - you can like him or you can dislike him...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. december 13., péntek

Open Letter To My Adopted Children December 13th 2013

Dear Children,

Why did I divorce from Madonna? The one reason is the behaviour of Madonna...

1) Madonna used to live for incredibly long years apart from me - obviously she didn't lack my society...

2) Madonna used to visit me at the front line and within the baddest war - that is the behaviour of a mother, not the behaviour of a wife who shows some respect to a "strong man" who tries to protect her...

3) I imagine that Madonna is now suspicious about me - that means she has the feeling that another man was able to love her better or more than I...

Of course, this divorce doesn't only depend on Madonna... I used to work on myself in order to become a better husband and I even have a theory that was able to turn me into a better husband - however just today I have lost my interest in realising that theory... I don't want to become a better husband of Madonna...

I am convinced that she loves you as much as before and I also really love you from this immense distance... In the end it is better for you that you don't live in Africa any more but I always used to be worried about you have to grow up in a single-person household... I am seriously bothered because I cannot express my love to you and I cannot teach you many things about life either (your teachers until you finish university are going to be a good substitute for me)...

It is good at this divorce that you are not being lied any more to have a father, too when you don't really have a foster-father in reality... In the picture below you can see Mr. Kimi Raikkönen who is one of my best friends and nothing but a househusband - on contrary to me...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team