2013. szeptember 7., szombat

Kingdom Of Rearing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The De la Mikula family don't pay any taxes because we impose taxes in order to increase cohesion in the society... Of course, the De la Mikula family can contribute to the welfare of others as well in terms of charities...

I have thought of a temporary support of people who venture to bring up children... These people can be modern people and resurrected people, too... According to me, planet Earth could be the home of maximally 2 billion human beings...

a) The eco-system of Earth could endure so many humans without any further...
b) New and large agricultural areas could nourish the human Earth population...
c) The welfare of mankind could be secured by nearly automatic factories, global traffic systems, charities like Charity: water, Raising Malawi or Charity Maybach...

What benefits would it have if mankind consisted of maximally 2 billion individuals instead of only 40 or 100 million?

a) Human society provides with the greatest security to one... A television set or a grizzle bear are not such fun... Furthermore planet Earth cannot be only a wilderness... Humans have got a place in the created world, that means a serious part of the planet has to be artificial...
b) The Lord Jesus Christ should rule over the Earth with a great glory... A "global village" even if we are friendly and clever is not such a big glory, I'm afraid...
c) Mankind should boast a certain intellectual and economical competency compared to other humanoid species in outer space... If there are only a couple of million earthly humans someone might deem us ridiculous or weak...
d) Genetical vicissitude contributes to the strength of a species... A few humans cannot deliver such a big genetical vicissitude than billions of humans... What's more human race could be represented in an entire galaxy in all parallel universes because we were as lucky as to give birth to the Saviour...

It is my conviction that children cannot bring up children... That means people on the run, without a stable job or a relationship and without the possibility of further education shouldn't be too daring...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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