2013. szeptember 7., szombat

Architectural Plans Of The Popery In Denver

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On a map of the greater area of Denver, CO I have chosen 3 construction sites for the planned Roman Catholic and Papal building complexes... I would like to complete the map with a couple of explanations:

1) Old Cathedral: Its name is based on its New Gothic style... The architect of the Old Cathedral imagined the church building on an island or a peninsula but I didn't want to settle the buildings of the Popery of Denver to distant places from each other... For the Old Cathedral I found a beautiful park with a lake near Denver - so its connection to water remains...

2) New Cathedral: Its name is based on its New Baroque style... The church building includes a central hall and 12 thermonuclear reactors around it... As the danger of earth quakes is a little lower East from Denver and as connected facilities to the Basilica can be built more easily on a lowland (eventual cooling lake and high voltage centrals and cables) I put the site for the New Cathedral below the State Road 70, East from Denver...

3) Papal Residence: It is going to include 4 skyscrapers of a height of 800 m each that means the main building of the Papal Residence has to be put as far from the International Airport of Denver as possible so that low flying airplanes and the skyscrapers don't endanger each other... The Papal Residence is meant to contain a vast park as well...

My biggest question is that of the oil fields on the lowland East from Denver, CO... If they are able to be bought? How can the oil reserves be drilled with the new buildings over them?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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