2013. szeptember 4., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Survival

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't think there is a mental disease so that you are afraid of great crowds on the street (except the people are really unbearable)... I'd rather think you tend to imagine that there live billions of humans on Earth...

Suppose only 40 million humans live on Planet Earth... Why do you need the different kinds of airplanes in that case?

1) Large and very large airplanes are the best: many passengers can travel on one airliner - that means there are only a few aircraft in the air and the aircraft consumes the least fuel per passenger...

2) Mid-size aircraft could service less frequented and regional routes, respectively: many passengers could travel on one jet - that would be the realisation of the Ecoliner-principal, on only one deck...

3) Smaller airplanes could be the base of private jets: on a planet where everybody can have a big garden, where vast agricultural areas produce food for only a few people and where most citizens are intellectuals everybody is rich - that means private jets wouldn't be rare occurrences...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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