2013. szeptember 19., csütörtök

Land In Sight

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Religious life in Denver could be organised by playful game shows through the year as well... Starting in July, approximately...

a) election of Miss Denver (out of the entire USA),
b) election of Mr. Denver (out of the entire USA),
c) economical plan of the year,
d) church building of the year,
e) immigrant of the year,
f) Chicken and Cow path of the year,
g) on railway in the USA,
h) we are girl-friends,
i) I am telling ya the future,
j) that's what we saw in Africa,
k) we welcomed the Pope of Rome as a guest,
l) who knows more on Madonna/ on the Pope...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. szeptember 9., hétfő

Boss, We Are Done

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I can show you concrete numbers if you are interested in where and how many Earth citizens were able to live:

Europe: 300,000,000.00 people
Africa: 300,000,000.00 people (- 100,000,000.00)
USA: 100,000,000.00 people (+ 100,000,000.00)
Latin-America: 000,000,020.00 people
Arabian World: 300,000,000.00 people
Japan: 200,000,000.00 people
India: 200,000,000.00 people
Australia: 200,000,000.00 people

All-together: 1,600,000,020.00 Earth inhabitants

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. szeptember 7., szombat

Kingdom Of Rearing

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The De la Mikula family don't pay any taxes because we impose taxes in order to increase cohesion in the society... Of course, the De la Mikula family can contribute to the welfare of others as well in terms of charities...

I have thought of a temporary support of people who venture to bring up children... These people can be modern people and resurrected people, too... According to me, planet Earth could be the home of maximally 2 billion human beings...

a) The eco-system of Earth could endure so many humans without any further...
b) New and large agricultural areas could nourish the human Earth population...
c) The welfare of mankind could be secured by nearly automatic factories, global traffic systems, charities like Charity: water, Raising Malawi or Charity Maybach...

What benefits would it have if mankind consisted of maximally 2 billion individuals instead of only 40 or 100 million?

a) Human society provides with the greatest security to one... A television set or a grizzle bear are not such fun... Furthermore planet Earth cannot be only a wilderness... Humans have got a place in the created world, that means a serious part of the planet has to be artificial...
b) The Lord Jesus Christ should rule over the Earth with a great glory... A "global village" even if we are friendly and clever is not such a big glory, I'm afraid...
c) Mankind should boast a certain intellectual and economical competency compared to other humanoid species in outer space... If there are only a couple of million earthly humans someone might deem us ridiculous or weak...
d) Genetical vicissitude contributes to the strength of a species... A few humans cannot deliver such a big genetical vicissitude than billions of humans... What's more human race could be represented in an entire galaxy in all parallel universes because we were as lucky as to give birth to the Saviour...

It is my conviction that children cannot bring up children... That means people on the run, without a stable job or a relationship and without the possibility of further education shouldn't be too daring...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Architectural Plans Of The Popery In Denver

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On a map of the greater area of Denver, CO I have chosen 3 construction sites for the planned Roman Catholic and Papal building complexes... I would like to complete the map with a couple of explanations:

1) Old Cathedral: Its name is based on its New Gothic style... The architect of the Old Cathedral imagined the church building on an island or a peninsula but I didn't want to settle the buildings of the Popery of Denver to distant places from each other... For the Old Cathedral I found a beautiful park with a lake near Denver - so its connection to water remains...

2) New Cathedral: Its name is based on its New Baroque style... The church building includes a central hall and 12 thermonuclear reactors around it... As the danger of earth quakes is a little lower East from Denver and as connected facilities to the Basilica can be built more easily on a lowland (eventual cooling lake and high voltage centrals and cables) I put the site for the New Cathedral below the State Road 70, East from Denver...

3) Papal Residence: It is going to include 4 skyscrapers of a height of 800 m each that means the main building of the Papal Residence has to be put as far from the International Airport of Denver as possible so that low flying airplanes and the skyscrapers don't endanger each other... The Papal Residence is meant to contain a vast park as well...

My biggest question is that of the oil fields on the lowland East from Denver, CO... If they are able to be bought? How can the oil reserves be drilled with the new buildings over them?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce 2 September 7th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What would a low mountain range of Rolls-Royce be like?

a) in an area of high mountains you cannot drive by car,
b) and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars don't want to build an off-roader,
c) lowland areas are more like agricultural and industrial territories,
d) and they are prosaic in some respect,
e) while a low mountain range is ideal for picnic driving,
f) the low mountain range of RR is like a Formula-1 racing circuit,
g) where speed is not interesting,
h) but the song of birds,
i) the green and shade of trees,
j) deers and squirrels,
k) and hidden mountain cottages,
l) with mountain streams and meadows...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce September 7th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What benefits would a Rolls-Royce tram have?

a) fully environmentally friendly,
b) high passenger capacity,
c) chilled drinks,
d) onboard kitchen,
e) leather armchairs,
f) chandeliers,
g) wood applications,
h) onboard wardrobe (with coat and umbrella dryer),
i) onboard toilet,
j) WiFi hotspot,
k) frequency of RR trams: in certain urban areas only RR trams would traffic,
l) luggage compartment...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. szeptember 4., szerda

Leonardo Da Vinci Has Resurrected

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Many spacious rooms, great interior heights, wooden and marble floors, fire places and thick walls, of course - all this make you mood to live in a castle... Modern architectural solutions can be part of a castle as well, such as a winter garden, a wellness-wing or an entire villa with glass walls...

In the garden you can barbecue...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Survival

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't think there is a mental disease so that you are afraid of great crowds on the street (except the people are really unbearable)... I'd rather think you tend to imagine that there live billions of humans on Earth...

Suppose only 40 million humans live on Planet Earth... Why do you need the different kinds of airplanes in that case?

1) Large and very large airplanes are the best: many passengers can travel on one airliner - that means there are only a few aircraft in the air and the aircraft consumes the least fuel per passenger...

2) Mid-size aircraft could service less frequented and regional routes, respectively: many passengers could travel on one jet - that would be the realisation of the Ecoliner-principal, on only one deck...

3) Smaller airplanes could be the base of private jets: on a planet where everybody can have a big garden, where vast agricultural areas produce food for only a few people and where most citizens are intellectuals everybody is rich - that means private jets wouldn't be rare occurrences...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. szeptember 3., kedd

The 3 Billionaires And The Most Modest Man Of The World

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, the 3 billionaires Röfi, Töfi and Böfi met the most modest man of the world... At that time everybody who was only able to bought a Mercedes S-class...

While the most modest man of the world drove a Volvo 960 in dark blue... They could see the car by their own eyes... (The most modest man of the world turned his back towards them...)

Röfi said: "Wow..."
Böfi said: "He has got style..."
Töfi said: "He must have a Mercedes S-class at home as well..."

Actually they haven't been able to elaborate the event until now...

Thank you for the idea!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

With The Greatest Of Ease

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The concept of a mobile sauna is ready... It is just as discreet as conventional saunas built out of bricks and concrete and of course, it is also weather-resistant...

Mobile sauna:

Usage of a mobile sauna:

1) you hold a pine wood stick (of a length of approx. 20 cms) forward,
2) you and your friend(s) look around and when nobody is near you throw the pine wood stick behind,
3) you and your friend(s) hug,
4) you can spend the rest of time at a motel...


1) Do not saw the piece of wood by yourself to size but buy pine wood sticks of a length of approx. 20 cms at a hardware store...
2) There are counterfeits already...

In the picture below: the Amazon river...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team