2012. december 30., vasárnap

Madonna II

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As a part of fun around New Year's Eve I imagined the successor of pop superstar Madonna: Madonna II... The title sounds pretty much like Napoleon II but the story is entirely different...

Here you have 2 paintings of Napoleon...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 26., szerda

Gay Is Not Enough

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Many people think as they are gay they are already a little marvel of creation... This is not true because gay is one of the most common occurrences sexually...

Although you are gay you still need:
  • an education,
  • a profession,
  • a family and
  • a religion among others...
You need the above so that you can live together with other people in a complex society... One more piece of wisdom: you cannot be gay alone...

How do you know if anybody shares these ideas? He or she is polite...

A bunch of impolite behaviour:
  • we have the right to know,
  • giving non-verbal signs,
  • this is happening in your own interest or
  • you are killing me with your decision...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 24., hétfő

Law Enforcement Online

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the 21st Century, most prisons are available online, too, according to a 24/7 schedule... This measure is better both for inmates who can be punished in the comfort of their homes and for the country which has lower costs...

"Create an account..."
"Stay here..."
"This is your meal..."
"The inmates can have physical exercise now..."
"You can take a shower..."
"Do you want to participate at the online chat?"
"Inmate, you have got a visitor..."

Experience shows that the life in online prisons is the same woeful as behind bars however the number of escapes is much smaller because of the advanced computer technology...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - December 24th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have a couple of suggestions how you can call my Blog:
  • the Blog of Blogs,
  • the King of Blogs,
  • the Supernatural Blog,
  • the Funniest Blog on Earth,
  • the Meta-Blog,
  • the Eternal Blog,
  • the Rolls-Royce of Blogs,
  • the Jewellery Box of Blogs,
  • the Precious Stone of Blogs,
  • the Golden Blog,
  • the Pleasure Garden of Blogs,
  • the Enchanted Blog,
  • the Future Blog,
  • the National Blog,
  • the Blog of Love etc.
I am going to stop here so that you don't think I am serious...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 13., csütörtök

The Baby's Blog - Silent Night

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Christmas 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hodie vesperi vidi multi adolescentium, American homines in plateis Budapest
Fessi sunt, esuriens, bruma et pauper
Verisimillimum sunt profugo quoque
Potes videre tali misericordiam, raro

Ipsi autem venerunt in Hungariam est impotens ad auxiliandum circa patriam propter defectum
Velim ad petere liberalitate omnes qui euntem sentit-aut dedit ipsa providere valeant cum umbraculum horum adolescentium American homines
Iterum iungat, quod sit Christi et sinite Jesum Christum iungant nos

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 9., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Advantage

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfortunately, the re-entry of a space shuttle seems to be such a dangerous maneuver that the most secure connection between Earth and a low Earth orbit must be beaming... That's why cargo transport should be solved by conventional methods in the future, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 5., szerda

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - December 5th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have a couple of images of the Grand Canyon, the newly established Skywalk over it and the Hoover Dam... In other words: I think that the "United States fiscal cliff" is a TEMPORARY obstacle only for companies, otherwise it secures the stately fiscal stability and is the ground for further economical growth, of course... For example, rich citizens can spend more...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 3., hétfő

The Rookie Humorist - Curriculum Vitae

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The below CV is nearly entirely fictional and it is only an example of how you should write one:

July 2nd 1975 - birth

June 10th 1993 - high-school diploma

June 10th 1998 - diploma in physics at the Harvard University

August 23rd 1998 - marriage

May 5th 1999 - our first baby

January 28th 2000 - doctoral work in physics at the Harvard University

March 15th 2000 - start with studies of theoretical physics at the Seattle Laboratory of Sciences

February 20th 2010 - studies of theoretical physics in Cambridge, United Kingdom

June 3rd 2012 - member of the NASA Advanced Propulsion Research Program

You'll find attached the list of my scientific works and publications...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. december 2., vasárnap


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Cheese became so precious... Is there a problem?

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 30., péntek

The Baby's Blog - In The Cloud

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me introduce my latest invention to you: the steam bath for women...

It is commonly misunderstood that women don't get dirty because they remain home... This is definitely not true on the long run... What if she does batik or pottery or the shopping?

I think the steam bath for women can solve the above problem... Next to the relaxing effect it cleans the skin just like well-known face steamers - but on the entire body... Black-heads and pimples are over and what's more your skin gains a beautiful and blooming surface...

The treatment can be amended by active agents like aloe, camomile or various other herbs and scents... Female steam bathes can be designed for only one person because of the enhanced experience...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 27., kedd

Tax Modifications For The Year 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The New Wolfinger-Boeing Tax (NWBT) is going to be modified crucially as follows:

1) The NWBT is not going to support the space research any more because space research will be an enterprise that is funded out of many serious resources... Such as: family investments, stately investments or own incomes...

2) In the future the NWBT is going to support people whose ability to work is limited because of their sexual orientation... Experience shows that nothing is more important than sexual life however it can cause at least a temporary change of the ability to work...

3) According to the Constitution nobody should be discriminated because of his or her sexual orientation...

4) The NWBT cannot be replaced by other taxes, for example the Church Tax...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 21., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Top Cat

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Actually I am sitting in Hungary in my room and I am browsing the web on the most versatile topics... You may think that it is a daring idea to write so much about the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental I only know from the media... The truth is that I still belong to the few people who know this marvellous airplane the most...

Let's deal a little with the future of railways... When all railways are operated on the basis of the Transrapid (maximum speeds of over 800 km/h are possible) in a far future how can passenger trains and express trains be stipulated with each other? I have a solution: passenger trains and express trains need to use 2 entirely different systems of tracks... So that passenger trains can stop at every station and be slow and express trains can skip stations and be fast... Yes, this means twice as much railway infrastructure than nowadays...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 19., hétfő

The Rookie Humorist - NASA

Ladies and Gentlemen,

NASA have found the eldest Galaxy of the universe... Here you have a picture of it...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 13., kedd

Autumn Works On The Fields

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The title is very exciting but let's skip to the quiz question of the day:

If there live approx. 100 million people in a vast country and over 80 millions of them travel each day then how can they travel to over 80 million destinations so that they don't collide?

The explanation must be the sum of the following:

  • you can bundle travelers to the fiber of a train, a highway etc.
  • a train carries up 800 passengers, on a section of a highway there can be thousands of cars etc.
  • of course, the traffic spreads over the whole day and so on...
Perhaps they collide a little bit... What is the advantage of knowing people so closely? Obviously you don't ask your acquaintances for money for a dish of soup...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

General Store

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have a couple of images of the new 2012 Maserati Quatroporte... The car is as beautiful as before and the changes seem to be marginal... The design became more modern and fit for the next 10 years... Congratulations, Maserati!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. november 1., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Let The Numbers Speak

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Yesterday Aeroflot took delivery of its 100th Airbus aircraft: an Airbus A330-300... This an incredible success both of Airbus on the prestigious Russian market and of Russia in the market economy...

My children are Russians, too: there is winter outside but they sit in the warm room and watch TV... Russia is fashion...

In the picture below: Airbus' vision of success and development... Actually The Boeing Company have got other plans...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. október 31., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - iFlight

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my family we sometimes change the name of our children... This has nothing to do with security but there are better ideas than before...

The new Jumbo Jet of Boeing could have a modified name, too: Boeing 747-8 i - where i means as always "intelligent..." The new name wouldn't be an exaggeration considering the modern technologies all about the Jumbo Jet...

On YouTube you can find cool computer simulations of the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental taking flight in various liveries...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. október 13., szombat

The Baby's Blog - Happiness Depends On Faith

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Hey, man, your church is cool..."
"My prayers have been answered..."

"Hey, man, your church is awkward..."
"Could you please help me make it better?"

More work = more love = faith...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. szeptember 23., vasárnap

Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric - Range Rover

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On the way to even more environmentally friendly Rolls-Royce motor cars the all-new Range Rover offroader also has to be mentioned... The luxury of the Range Rover of 2012 is comparable to that of any luxury limousine - however the modern SUV is over 400 kgs lighter than its predecessor because of the overall usage of aluminium...

At the end of 2013 a hybrid-version can be expected with a very modest fuel consumption...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. szeptember 16., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - American Express

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the song says: "should I stay or should I go (...) if I go there will be trouble, if I stay there will be double..." I also think that you should rather travel - for example to the USA... I guess you can make money that way...

1) It might be enough to travel to the USA once in every 20 years... You will be able to tell that you have been to the USA (!) and this experience could be enough for 20 years... Very feasible...

2) Now if there is harmony in your personality then you don't own a passenger car but travel by public traffic and taxi on the costs of a passenger car - very often to the airport... This generates many much more prestige and experience - I think you are going to attract money...

3) How could you develop as a tourist?

a) An American girl-friend is still very prestigeous...
b) You could invest some money in the USA...
c) You could also bring some color in your journeys for example by visiting Japan, Argentina or Kenya...

U.S. American citizens have to look for other destinations but I think a Jumbo Jet could earn money for them the same way...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. szeptember 13., csütörtök

IMAGO - September 2012 Issue

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here you have an extract from the IMAGO Magazine of psychoanalysts, based on the online version:

a) cover site: Computer-thomography and being reborn
b) Contest of young psychiatrists - Summary
c) Supervision in 21st Century
d) A new concept of ego, superego and the unconsciousness
e) Group therapy and the psychology of work
f) Faster, easier and more popular - Face to face therapies
g) Psychosomatic deseases and their treatment
h) Families and quality time
i) New symbols - new interpretations?
j) Psychoanalysis and sustainability
k) Addicted to computers
l) Psychoanalyst training and online supervision
m) Psychoanalysis outside of the Western World
n) Children's Psychotherapy
o) Engineers and emotions
p) Growing old and remaining young
q) Healthy nutrition

Sounds like fun, fun, fun!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. szeptember 1., szombat

The King Of Italy September 1st 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

3) Further details on the operation of the Roman Catholic Church as an enterprise (based on a videochat with my Motivated Little Team):

Permanent sources of income:

3.1.1 Taxing of disco clubs
3.1.2 Taxing of speeding over 200 km/h
3.1.3 Acknowledging and taxing of historical and non-Christian churches
3.1.4 Donations from the Pope in Denver

Permanent purpose of investments:

3.2 Building consciousness

4) Wish-list

Analysis of the present situation:

4.1.1 During history the Apostolic Church developed into a Universal Church - it doesn't sound bad to me when a historical church is so strong
4.1.2 The experiences of the Universal Church as an institution: constructive critics, a multicultural world - and some painful loss
4.1.3 A possible deal: universal could mean orthodox and orthodox could mean universal - within the life of the Church

Permanent sources of income:

4.2.1 Donations from the Pope in Denver for the Orthodox Christian Church
4.2.2 Donations from the same for critics and colors

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula

2012. augusztus 29., szerda

The King Of Italy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

During history and before the modern Italian Republic there were many little reigning princes in Italy who must have been at the same time annoying and ridiculous for the people of Italy... Who was a "king" in Italy that everybody acknowledged and respected - obviously the Bishop of Rome...

Once you have a King of Italy you only have to clear 2 things: the relationship of Italy and Germany and the Papal Program of the Pope in Rome...

1) Well, during history Germans seemed to be obsessed with protecting the Popery and even the critical Reformation can be considered as a protection of the values of the Popery... In my opinion Germans can protect the Popery in Rome if they want it so much...

2) The Papal Program should focus clearly on bringing Christianity to a worldwide success... So yes, the Popery should be an enterprise - a non-profit one, of course...

An enterprise means:

2.1.1 security and efficiency,
2.1.2 state-of-the-art technologies and development,
2.1.3 maximum friendliness and respect to others...

What values could the enterprise of the Popery be based on?

2.2.1 spiritual values
2.2.2 emotional values and
2.2.3 scientific values...

The mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the Roman Catholic Church!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team