2012. november 21., szerda

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Top Cat

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Actually I am sitting in Hungary in my room and I am browsing the web on the most versatile topics... You may think that it is a daring idea to write so much about the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental I only know from the media... The truth is that I still belong to the few people who know this marvellous airplane the most...

Let's deal a little with the future of railways... When all railways are operated on the basis of the Transrapid (maximum speeds of over 800 km/h are possible) in a far future how can passenger trains and express trains be stipulated with each other? I have a solution: passenger trains and express trains need to use 2 entirely different systems of tracks... So that passenger trains can stop at every station and be slow and express trains can skip stations and be fast... Yes, this means twice as much railway infrastructure than nowadays...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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