2012. november 27., kedd

Tax Modifications For The Year 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The New Wolfinger-Boeing Tax (NWBT) is going to be modified crucially as follows:

1) The NWBT is not going to support the space research any more because space research will be an enterprise that is funded out of many serious resources... Such as: family investments, stately investments or own incomes...

2) In the future the NWBT is going to support people whose ability to work is limited because of their sexual orientation... Experience shows that nothing is more important than sexual life however it can cause at least a temporary change of the ability to work...

3) According to the Constitution nobody should be discriminated because of his or her sexual orientation...

4) The NWBT cannot be replaced by other taxes, for example the Church Tax...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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